statamic / cms

The core Laravel CMS Composer package
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Statically cached pages not removed when moving a page #9531

Open wiegertschouten opened 6 months ago

wiegertschouten commented 6 months ago

Bug description

When moving (= changing parent page) or removing a page, its statically cached version remains intact. So after moving or removing a page, one can still visit its frontend URL and view it.

In case of moving a page, when an editor has the frontend of the page open on its old URL, changes suddenly stop appearing in the frontend of the page after moving it. That's rather confusing. I believe it can also cause duplicate content issues.

In case of deleting a page, it's not ideal if the page is still around in the frontend of the site after it's deleted.

I'd expect getting a 404 in both cases. When an entry is moved or deleted, it would be nice if the corresponding static cache file(s) would automatically be deleted πŸ™‚

I'll be out on holiday for the coming week, so it might take me a while to respond if there are any additional questions.

How to reproduce

For moving pages:

For deleting pages:


No response


Application Name: {site name}
Laravel Version: 10.26.2
PHP Version: 8.2.15
Composer Version: 2.7.1
Environment: production
Debug Mode: OFF
URL: {site url}
Maintenance Mode: OFF

Config: CACHED
Routes: CACHED

Broadcasting: log
Cache: statamic
Database: mysql
Logs: stack / single
Mail: postmark
Queue: sync
Session: file

Addons: 2
Antlers: runtime
Stache Watcher: Enabled
Static Caching: half
Version: 4.42.1 PRO

Statamic Addons
ddm-studio/cookie-byte: 1.4.3
stoffelio/statamic-turnstile: 1.1.0


Fresh statamic/statamic site via CLI

Antlers Parser

Runtime (default)

Additional details

No response

jasonvarga commented 6 months ago

Can you please provide config/statamic/sites.php?

wiegertschouten commented 6 months ago

@jasonvarga sure:


return [

    | Sites
    | Each site should have root URL that is either relative or absolute. Sites
    | are typically used for localization (eg. English/French) but may also
    | be used for related content (eg. different franchise locations).

    'sites' => [

        'default' => [
            'name' => config(''),
            'locale' => 'nl_NL',
            'url' => '/',

duncanmcclean commented 6 months ago

Can you try using the app url as the site's URL instead? Like this:

'default' => [
    'name' => config(''),
    'locale' => 'en_US',
-   'url' => '/',
+   'url' => config('app.url'),
wiegertschouten commented 6 months ago

@duncanmcclean sure, I now have the following config:

'default' => [
    'name' => config(''),
    'locale' => 'nl_NL',
    'url' => config('app.url'),

However, the problem persists πŸ™

duncanmcclean commented 6 months ago

Is the APP_URL correct in your .env? Is it https instead of http?

Just checking since ^ fixed some invalidation issues for others recently so want to make sure it's not the same issue here.

wiegertschouten commented 6 months ago

Just double-checked it, and yes, it's https, which the site is also on. I also have the issue locally on Laravel Herd. Which is also HTTPS, and properly configured via the .env as well.

In case it helps, my config/statamic/static_caching.php looks like this:


return [

    | Active Static Caching Strategy
    | To enable Static Caching, you should choose a strategy from the ones
    | you have defined below. Leave this null to disable static caching.

    'strategy' => env('STATAMIC_STATIC_CACHING_STRATEGY', null),

    | Caching Strategies
    | Here you may define all of the static caching strategies for your
    | application as well as their drivers.
    | Supported drivers: "application", "file"

    'strategies' => [

        'half' => [
            'driver' => 'application',
            'expiry' => null,

        'full' => [
            'driver' => 'file',
            'path' => public_path('static'),
            'lock_hold_length' => 0,


    | Exclusions
    | Here you may define a list of URLs to be excluded from static
    | caching. You may want to exclude URLs containing dynamic
    | elements like contact forms, or shopping carts.

    'exclude' => [

        'class' => null,

        'urls' => [


    | Invalidation Rules
    | Here you may define the rules that trigger when and how content would be
    | flushed from the static cache. See the documentation for more details.
    | If a custom class is not defined, the default invalidator is used.

    'invalidation' => [

        'class' => null,

        'rules' => [
            'collections' => [
                'events' => [
                    'urls' => [
                'news' => [
                    'urls' => [
                'testimonials' => [
                    'urls' => [
                'vacancies' => [
                    'urls' => [
            'taxonomies' => [
                'vacancy_audiences' => [
                    'urls' => [
                'vacancy_branches' => [
                    'urls' => [
                'vacancy_cities' => [
                    'urls' => [
                'vacancy_hours' => [
                    'urls' => [
                'vacancy_industries' => [
                    'urls' => [
                'vacancy_regions' => [
                    'urls' => [
            'globals' => [
                'newsletter' => [
                    'urls' => [
                'overviews' => [
                    'urls' => [
                'social_media' => [
                    'urls' => [
            'navigation' => [
                'headermenu' => [
                    'urls' => [
                'footermenu_primary' => [
                    'urls' => [
                'footermenu_secondary' => [
                    'urls' => [


    | Ignoring Query Strings
    | Statamic will cache pages of the same URL but with different query
    | parameters separately. This is useful for pages with pagination.
    | If you'd like to ignore the query strings, you may do so.

    'ignore_query_strings' => false,

    | Replacers
    | Here you may define replacers that dynamically replace content within
    | the response. Each replacer must implement the Replacer interface.

    'replacers' => [

    | Warm Queue
    | Here you may define the name of the queue that requests will be pushed
    | onto when warming the static cache using the static:warm command.

    'warm_queue' => null,

wiegertschouten commented 6 months ago

To double check this issue, I created a fresh Statamic install. I set the static caching strategy to half, and then followed the steps described above in order to reproduce the problem.

It turns out the problem does not occur when I delete a page. It properly gives a 404 in the frontend after deletion.

However, when I move a page, it's still visible on its old URL. So this narrows the problem down a bit: when moving an entry (= changing its parent entry) the static cache is not properly invalidated.