statamic / ideas

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Step option on both the float and int field types #1092

Open godismyjudge95 opened 6 months ago

godismyjudge95 commented 6 months ago

Would be awesome to either have the standard HTML5 step option or maybe a more elegant way with styled buttons.

jasonvarga commented 6 months ago

The integer fieldtype has it. Would be handy on the float fieldtype though.

godismyjudge95 commented 6 months ago

The integer fieldtype has it. Would be handy on the float fieldtype though.

Am I missing it?


jasonvarga commented 6 months ago

You don't have to enable anything. The up/down buttons are just there.

godismyjudge95 commented 6 months ago

Oh by step option I am referring to an HTML5-like option to enable the buttons and determine the step size. For example, I might have a field that can only have multiples of 10, so I'd only want an int field that can increment with those steps.

The range field already has this, but sometimes I don't need a range and only need the single value of float or int.