statamic / ideas

💡Discussions on ideas and feature requests for Statamic
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Render custom asset previews, especially for videos #1120

Open daun opened 4 months ago

daun commented 4 months ago

Using an asset field, it's super easy to combine images and videos in a single field. Editors love that and it's working great for slideshows etc. The only downside is that videos don't show a thumbnail in the field. I suspect many/most servers aren't equipped to generate video thumbnails, but we're using Vimeo and Mux to stream the videos and have ready access to thumbnails, just no way to tell the control panel to use them.

How do you feel about adding a hook/feature to allow supplying a custom thumbnail rendering service for assets? I'm mostly thinking videos here, but this could be useful for 3D models, PDFs, and more exotic image formats like PSD and EPS. There's e.g. a few APIs and self-hosted projects that generate thumbnails from all sorts of file formats. If there was a way to hand the results to Statamic, that'd be great 🧃

jasonvarga commented 4 months ago

Cool idea 👍