statamic / ideas

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Allow Blueprint Sections to nest their data under a key #1142

Closed schwartzmj closed 3 months ago

schwartzmj commented 3 months ago

As an alternative to the "Group" field type, it would be nice to be able to allow an entire Blueprint Section / tab to have its own data key.

e.g. You have your standard "Main" Blueprint Section with its fields. These are top-level fields on the entry.

You then make a new Blueprint Section that has this feature enabled called Stuff, presumably with the key stuff.

You make a field within that Blueprint Section called Things that is accessed like: stuff:things instead of things.

schwartzmj commented 3 months ago

Or another idea: allow an option to remove styling for a "Group" field.

Both ideas could be quite useful for us.

duncanmcclean commented 3 months ago

Or another idea: allow an option to remove styling for a "Group" field.

This would probably be the easiest way to make this happen, since I imagine changing the way sections/tabs save data would be quite a lot of work.

Closing in favour of #1137.