statamic / ideas

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Highlight that features aren’t working because of license issues #1148

Closed dave-smyth closed 5 months ago

dave-smyth commented 5 months ago

It would be helpful on the /cp/utilities/git page if Statamic could highlight when git isn’t pushing because of a license issue. I’ve experienced this on two occasions recently:

  1. Prepping a server to go live and testing before the key is added
  2. Upgrading a site from 3 to 4, testing the git and not realising the key hadn’t been updated

In both cases this involved a lot of troubleshooting. The experience would be greatly improved if the page highlighted that this feature won’t work until the license key is added (or renewed).

duncanmcclean commented 5 months ago

Whether you have a valid key in your .env file or not, as long as you have Pro enabled in config/statamic/editions.php, Pro features should be working.

dave-smyth commented 5 months ago


In 2 (above), Git started working when the key was added, so I assumed there was a blocker in production...

duncanmcclean commented 5 months ago


Maybe you had your config cached, which only got cleared by adding the license key?