statamic / ideas

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Relink to other entry on deletion of an entry #1179

Open delz-dev opened 3 months ago

delz-dev commented 3 months ago

Usecase I have 2 collections: authors and articles. The article entries can be linked to an author.

Now I delete an author and want to relink all dependent article entries to a new author …

-> Well I could just search the author-ID on all markdown-files by hand and replace by new one … -> Or I could hijack the "delete"-Event to do the same by laravel

Is this even possible? … I'm no laravel-dev. But maybe anybody in here has a clue …

for my taste this should be e core-functionality … (as option per collection to have a relink-functionality, maybe even on the assets if I delete one an want to relink it → p.e. a new version of a PDF … ?)

benfurfie commented 3 months ago

Ran into this one recently too.