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Prevent the `edit users` and `change passwords` permissions from affecting Super Admins #1188

Open aaronbushnell opened 3 days ago

aaronbushnell commented 3 days ago

Currently when the edit users or change passwords permission is enabled it allows a user with that permission to edit any user's data or password—even if that individual is a Super Admin.

I'd like to allow a client to edit their colleague's information and passwords without also being able to edit super users, too.

aaronbushnell commented 3 days ago

After a Discord discussion with Jason an option to work around this is to create a custom user policy that will prevent super admins from being edited by non-admins.

I still think a more ideal solution would be for Statamic to natively prevent non-admins from editing an admin, but this may help in the meantime!


public function register(): void
    $this->app->bind(UserPolicy::class, CustomUserPolicy::class);



namespace App;

use Statamic\Facades\User;
use Statamic\Policies\UserPolicy;

class CustomUserPolicy extends UserPolicy
    public function edit($authed, $user)
        $user = User::fromUser($user);
        $authed = User::fromUser($authed);

        if (! $authed->isSuper() && $user->isSuper()) {
            return false; // Non-super users may not edit super users.

        return parent::edit($authed, $user);

    public function editPassword($authed, $user)
        $user = User::fromUser($user);
        $authed = User::fromUser($authed);

        if (! $authed->isSuper() && $user->isSuper()) {
            return false; // Non-super users may not edit super users.

        return parent::editPassword($authed, $user);