statamic / ideas

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New duplicate action in core is not linked to permissions #918

Closed helloDanuk closed 1 year ago

helloDanuk commented 1 year ago

The new duplicate action is a handy tool, but it causes problems depending on permissions and roles. Take a look at this example:

You have two collections 'pages' and 'events' and an editor role. The editor has permissions to…

As a conclusion the duplicate actions should be available as an option in the permissions panel. You could choose per collection basis which role can duplicate entries. And what applies to collections should also be possible for asset containers, taxonomies, etc.

Bildschirmfoto 2022-11-30 um 09 15 27
jasonvarga commented 1 year ago

I think it should just be tied to the 'create new entries' permission.

helloDanuk commented 1 year ago

Agreed, this is even easier.