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Assets - Add template slots to Vue components #959

Open FrittenKeeZ opened 1 year ago

FrittenKeeZ commented 1 year ago

We're attempting to create an enhanced Assets fieldtype with additional functionality, but in order for that to be a good experience for editors, it would be nice to expose various Vue slots in AssetRow and AssetTile (and further AssetsFieldtype) components.

For AssetRow and AssetTile I'd like to have these:

<slot name="controls-before" :asset="asset" />
<slot name="controls-after" :asset="asset" />

For AssetsFieldtype I'd like to have these:

    <template v-slot:controls-before="{ asset }">
        <slot name="tile-controls-before" :asset="asset" />
    <template v-slot:controls-after="{ asset }">
        <slot name="tile-controls-after" :asset="asset" />

<tr is="assetRow">
    <template v-slot:controls-before="{ asset }">
        <slot name="row-controls-before" :asset="asset" />
    <template v-slot:controls-after="{ asset }">
        <slot name="row-controls-after" :asset="asset" />

With this it would be much easier to implement something like this:

    <template v-slot:row-controls-before="{ asset }">
        <button>Do stuff</button>
jackmcdade commented 1 year ago

What stuff would you like to do that you can't do with an Action? Would love real world use cases to validate the idea. :)

FrittenKeeZ commented 1 year ago

@jackmcdade We want to implement cropping using Cropper.js - current feature of our custom built CMS - but we'd need to handle crops for each entry.

This way we'd save the data as something like:

  - asset: asset::image.jpg
        x: 42
        y: 24
        width: 200
        x: 0
        y: 0
        width: 1920
