statamic / ideas

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Reordering - keyboard shortcuts #965

Open wturrell opened 1 year ago

wturrell commented 1 year ago

I've always hated the experience of reordering things in the browser (for any CMS, not just Statamic). It seems worse with a trackpad - you're dragging quite a small target around and you have to do it much more slowly than you'd usually move around the screen, so as to allow time for the DOM to respond, to not "overshoot", and, in the case of the 'tree' view, I've found often the text of one or more of the titles - to the right of the handle you're dragging (.page-move) ends up being selected by accident.

I like the idea that rather than dragging, you could click the re-order handle to select it (triggering a colour change?) and then press j/k or the up/down arrows to move the selected item up and down one position at a time.

Perhaps you could have two sets of shortcuts, one to move items, and one to change the item that is currently selected (like a cursor). And if you wanted to be make it really advanced, support left and right to change child status.

andjsch commented 9 months ago

That sounds pretty sophisticated to me for normal users. Still, I'd be happy if we could get Up and Down options within the dropdown or even some separate icons next to the dropdown indicator. That would help a lot with big sets on desktop and on mobile phones in general.
