statamic / ssg

The official Statamic Static Site Generator
229 stars 23 forks source link

Generate issue #163

Open Bracketstech opened 3 months ago

Bracketstech commented 3 months ago

when I do all the things and tried to execute this command --> php please ssg:generate

this is the output :

You may be able to speed up site generation significantly by installing spatie/fork and using multiple workers (requires PHP 8+).
Gathering content to be generated...


  Call to a member function sites() on null

  at vendor/statamic/cms/src/Taxonomies/Term.php:144
    140▕     }
    142▕     public function defaultLocale()
    143▕     {
  ➜ 144▕         return $this->taxonomy()->sites()->first();
    145▕     }
    147▕     public function localizations()
    148▕     {

      +2 vendor frames 

  3   [internal]:0
      +25 vendor frames 

  29  please:35
      Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))

what is the issue ?

Bracketstech commented 3 months ago

@jackmcdade @simonhamp @jasonvarga @jacksleight

duncanmcclean commented 3 months ago

The relevant people are notified when new issues are opened, no need to tag people directly 😄