statamic / ssg

The official Statamic Static Site Generator
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Allow wildcards in excludes and profiles #23

Closed tao closed 4 years ago

tao commented 4 years ago

I found this useful for testing SSG with lots of content, this allows you to exclude certain routes with wildcards to make the build faster.

In the statamic/ssg.php config you can use wildcards as follows:

    'exclude' => [
        '*/articles/*',    // e.g. en/articles/slug or fr/articles/slug
        '/contact',        // non-wildcard page
        '/pod*',           // excludes podcasts and podracing
tao commented 4 years ago

Named profiles can also be used to generate a specific part of the site, which may be useful for testing or syncing a large site. For example, in my use-case I only want to re-generate news when it's updated instead of re-generating all 8000 pages on my site (which takes 4 hours), and using the Amazon s3 sync command allows me to sync only these new files without removing the older content.

    'profiles' => [
        'news' => [
        'about' => [

You can then call the commands:

php please ssg:generate --profile=news
php please ssg:generate --profile=about

This may also be useful for testing, if you want to generate a group of static pages only.

When using named profiles, the new excludes option is set to ignore all pages so that only the specifically defined pages in the profile routes + any routes in the config['urls'] are used. When no profile is set, then the site is generated as usual with a fallback default profile.

tao commented 4 years ago

You can now also define a group of pages in a profile using wildcards:

    'profiles' => [
        'news' => [

This will generate all news pages and articles, such as:

[✔] /
[✔] /about
[✔] /news
[✔] /news/a-new-journey
[✔] /news/feed
[✔] /news/updates
[✔] /news/the-crop-circle-mystery
[✔] /news/fun-with-static-site-generators
[✔] /rss

In this example, /about was included from the standard config.urls array.

I'm also being verbose by including /news and /news/* in the profile array but you can also use a more concise version of the news routes:

    'profiles' => [
        'news' => [