statamic / ssg

The official Statamic Static Site Generator
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Unknown Issue: FieldtypeRepository not found #79

Closed tao closed 2 years ago

tao commented 2 years ago

The log is as follows:

Gathering content to be generated...
[✔] Gathered content to be generated
Generating 6031 content files...
Generating /wiki/leitmotif



  Class "Facades\Statamic\Fields\FieldtypeRepository" not found
  at vendor/statamic/cms/src/Fields/Field.php:75
     71▕     }
     73▕     public function fieldtype()
     74▕     {
  ➜  75▕         return FieldtypeRepository::find($this->type())->setField($this);
     76▕     }
     78▕     public function display()
     79▕     {
      +37 vendor frames 
  38  please:37

Generating /api/partials/wiki/strength


[✔] Generated 3016 content files
[✔] /home/runner/work/cms/cms/public/assets copied to /home/runner/work/cms/cms/storage/app/static/assets
[✔] /home/runner/work/cms/cms/public/css copied to /home/runner/work/cms/cms/storage/app/static/css
[✔] /home/runner/work/cms/cms/public/js copied to /home/runner/work/cms/cms/storage/app/static/js
[✔] /home/runner/work/cms/cms/public/vendor copied to /home/runner/work/cms/cms/storage/app/static/vendor
[✔] /home/runner/work/cms/cms/public/favicons copied to /home/runner/work/cms/cms/storage/app/static/favicons
[✔] /home/runner/work/cms/cms/public/favicon.ico copied to /home/runner/work/cms/cms/storage/app/static/favicon.ico
[✔] /home/runner/work/cms/cms/public/robots.txt copied to /home/runner/work/cms/cms/storage/app/static/robots.txt
[✔] /home/runner/work/cms/cms/public/mix-manifest.json copied to /home/runner/work/cms/cms/storage/app/static/mix-manifest.json
[✔] /home/runner/work/cms/cms/public/my.webmanifest copied to /home/runner/work/cms/cms/storage/app/static/my.webmanifest
Static site generated into /home/runner/work/cms/cms/storage/app/static

I'll investigate more and see if I can find any more information about the issue.

jasonvarga commented 2 years ago

This looks like the realtime facade hasn't been generated. But I'm not sure what would cause this, since they are generated on demand.

I'm guessing some sort of race condition, because that's usually the explanation for unexplainable things.

tao commented 2 years ago

Yeah. It's the first time it happened to me, maybe the workers got confused or something. We could probably close and later re-open the issue if I notice it happens again or regularly.

jasonvarga commented 2 years ago

Sounds good to me. 😄