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Statamic 2 - Feature Requests and Bug Reports
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Using is_current on taxonomy listing #2020

Open wesort opened 6 years ago

wesort commented 6 years ago

I have a Taxonomy called "tags". In the template I have a listing of those tags and I'd like to add a CSS class when visitors are on that tag's page. I thought I'd be able to use if_current like on the nav tag, but I found I had to use {{ if slug == last_segment }} instead.
Feature request for using if_current on taxonomies.

Also, using {{ count }} was rendering the sequence numbers of the tags listed, not the number of times that term has been used on an entry. This was resolved by scoping which feels unnecessary.

    {{ taxonomy:tags scope="tags" }}
        <a href="{{ url }}" class="{{ if slug == last_segment }}current{{ endif }}">{{ title }}</a>
        <sup>{{ tags:count }}</sup>
  {{ /taxonomy:tags }}
jasonvarga commented 6 years ago

count is the loop interation, results is the number of times the taxonomy term has been used. They are both documented on the tag's docs page.

wesort commented 6 years ago

My apologies on missing results. I should have RTFM.

if_current would still be useful on taxonomies though right? Not that my workaround is that lengthy, but if_current would be a logical condition.