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CP Updater page date format #2419

Closed BurgrLada closed 5 years ago

BurgrLada commented 5 years ago

In the control panel, I would love to have the power over the date displayed under the Updater tab. It would make sense if this format would follow cp.yaml, where there actually is date_format input. The format is hardcoded, see file statamic/resources/views/updater/index.blade.php, line 26:

<h5 class="date">{{ trans('cp.released_on_date', ['date' => Carbon::parse($release->created_at)->format('F jS, Y')]) }}</h5>
jasonvarga commented 5 years ago

That date format is a design choice, and using the default cp date_format looks strange.

For next release, the date will be localized though, so the English month names will be translated (I'm guessing this may be a reason you wanted to customize it)

ebeauchamps commented 5 years ago

The date doesn't look as it is localized for me:

Capture d'écran 2019-08-18 21 00 45

jasonvarga commented 5 years ago

What’s the locales in your system.yaml?

ebeauchamps commented 5 years ago

Capture d'écran 2019-08-18 21 06 59

jasonvarga commented 5 years ago

Try change fr to fr_FR

ebeauchamps commented 5 years ago

not working sir

jasonvarga commented 5 years ago

Ok I will get back to you :)

ebeauchamps commented 5 years ago

sure! no urge for me.