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FR: Add additional formset fields #929

Open mikemartin opened 8 years ago

mikemartin commented 8 years ago

You probably have this on the roadmap but I wanted to document which fields I think would be useful for building a variety of different forms using the CP.



A string to give the user flexibility to define their own fieldtypes. Here are some examples: text, email, date, number, select, multiple, radio, checkboxes, checkbox, textarea


    display: Anything else you would like to share?
    type: textarea


A string to add additional instructions or help text.

    display: "What's your email?"
    type: email
    description: We will get your company name from your email domain


A grid or array fieldtype for defining options for Select, Radio and Checkboxes.

    display: What is your role?
    type: radio
        name: executive
        value: Executive team
        name: product
        value: Product
        name: marketing
        value: Marketing
        name: customer-success
        value: Customer Success
        name: other
        value: Other

Submit Text

Another useful field for the entire Form would be Submit Text. This would help users define a label for their form submit button.

Use Case

With these fields available, I can then loop through fields in the same way as using the replicator. The example below assumes the user has "mounted" or added a form field to their page:

{{ form:create in="{form}" }}
    {{ fields }}
      <div class="form-group m-b-2">
        <label class="h6">{{ display }}</label>
        {{ if type == "textarea" }}
          <textarea name="{{ field }}" class="form-control">{{ old:comment }}</textarea>
        {{ elseif type == "select" }}
          <select name="{{ field }}" class="c-select form-control">
            {{ options }}
              <option>{{ value }}</option>
            {{ /options }}
        {{ elseif type == "multiple" }}
          <select multiple name="{{ field }}" class="form-control">
            {{ options }}
              <option>{{ value }}</option>
            {{ /options }}
        {{ elseif type == "checkboxes" }}
          <div class="c-inputs-stacked">
          {{ options }}
            <label class="c-input c-checkbox">
              <input type="checkbox" name="{{ field }}" value="{{ key }}">
              <span class="c-indicator"></span>
              <span class="c-description">{{ value }}</span>
          {{ /options }}
        {{ elseif type == "radio" }}
          <div class="c-inputs-stacked">
          {{ options }}
            <label class="c-input c-radio">
              <input name="{{ field }}" type="radio" value="{{ key }}">
              <span class="c-indicator"></span>
              <span class="c-description">{{ value }}</span>
          {{ /options }}
        {{ elseif type == "checkbox" }}
          <div class="form-check">
            <label class="form-check-label">
              <input type="checkbox" name="{{ field }}" class="form-check-input">
              {{ value }}
        {{ elseif type == "date" }}
          <input type="date" name="{{ field }}" value="{{ now format="Y-m-d" }}" class="form-control" />
        {{ elseif type != null }} <!-- For all other HTML5 fields like number and email -->
          <input type="{{ type }}" name="{{ field }}" value="{{ old }}" class="form-control" />
        {{ else }}
          <input type="text" name="{{ field }}" value="{{ old }}" class="form-control" />
        {{ /if }}
        {{ if description }}
          <small class="form-text text-muted">{{ description }}</small>
        {{ /if }}
    {{ /fields }}
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-primary">{{ submit_text }}</button>
{{ /form:create }}
jackmcdade commented 8 years ago

What is this for, exactly?

mikemartin commented 8 years ago


This would give CP admins the ability to create any type of Form they need with the form builder. I already have this running on a client site, but adding the 3 fields described above had to be done by editing the formset YAML directly.

There are two additional steps to get this to work:

1) Add a Form page template where the admin can select their form. I created a form suggest field to help with this. 2) Create the form template that loops through each field. (example above)

jackmcdade commented 8 years ago

Ah okay I get you now. Will think about the most flexible way to support this goal.

mikemartin commented 8 years ago

@jackmcdade Great thanks! Here are some example forms that I've built. I've also attached their fieldsets and form template.



Request Demo


Form template


mikemartin commented 7 years ago

@jackmcdade I've been thinking about this a little more. Perhaps the most elegant solution would be if we could configure Form fields the same way we currently configure Assets fields?

This way I could add additional fields like width, type and instructions myself. 👍

jcohlmeyer commented 7 years ago

I would also like the front end forms to have all the flexibility and power of the forms for fieldsets and assets. This would make it a lot easier to handle changes in contact forms etc!

jackmcdade commented 7 years ago

That's what workshop is for! 😁

jcohlmeyer commented 7 years ago

No, this is for end user forms (such as a contact form, survey, application etc.), not content creation.

For example I do not want to do this as it is hacky and I would have to put in a conditional every time new fields are added to the contact form ...

      {{ fields }}
        <label for="{{ name }}">{{ display }}</label>
        {{ if name == 'comment' }}
          <textarea id="{{ name }}" for="{{ name }}">
            {{ old }}
        {{ else }}
          <input id="{{ name }}" type="text" name="{{ name }}" value="{{ old }}" />
        {{ /if }}
      {{ /fields }}

Please let us do this instead, I think this is important to be core in Statamic forms ...

      {{ fields }}
        <label for="{{ name }}">{{ display }}</label>
        {{ if type == 'textarea' }}
          <textarea id="{{ name }}" for="{{ name }}">
            {{ old }}
        {{ else }}
          <input id="{{ name }}" type="{{ type }}" name="{{ name }}" value="{{ old }}" />
        {{ /if }}
      {{ /fields }}
mikemartin commented 7 years ago

@jackmcdade thanks for reopening this. Please take a look at my example templates (contact.txt, form.txt) above if you haven't already.

This would be a great addition to the core of Statamic and would really help our clients manage and create forms and landing pages themselves.

jcohlmeyer commented 6 years ago

So I think Statamic even uses type now to allow asset uploads in these forms, and you can set & use the type variable yourself in the YAML but there is no way to see this in the UI.

edalzell commented 6 years ago

I think a hidden type would be useful as well for invisible fields. My customer uses them for A/B testing and data collection.

Just had a customer request this as well. Likely going to direct them to TypeForm instead.

subpixelch commented 6 years ago

I've the same problem. Trying to loop over a grid where the customer can add or remove their own fields:

{{ form:create in='form' }}
{{ grid_mithilfe }}
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col">
            <input type="checkbox" name="{{ job | slugify }}_{{ job-detail }}">
        <div class="col">{{ job }}</div>
        <div class="col">{{ job-detail }}</div>
        <div class="col">
            {{ relate:verantwortlich }}
                <a href="mailto:{{ mitglied_mail }}">{{mitglied_name}}</a>
            {{ /relate:verantwortlich }}</div>
{{ /grid_mithilfe }}
{{ /form:create }}

... but that doesn't work as long as the fields have to be defined in the form.yaml ...

beckysoll commented 6 years ago

+1 to all of this, would be very handy.

jasonvarga commented 6 years ago

Just FYI, you can add whatever other variables you need to each field if you edit it manually through the yaml file.

Please let us do this instead, I think this is important to be core in Statamic forms ...

  {{ fields }}
    <label for="{{ name }}">{{ display }}</label>
    {{ if type == 'textarea' }}
      <textarea id="{{ name }}" for="{{ name }}">
        {{ old }}
    {{ else }}
      <input id="{{ name }}" type="{{ type }}" name="{{ name }}" value="{{ old }}" />
    {{ /if }}
  {{ /fields }}

Go ahead and add type: whatever to each field. There's just no UI for it in the CP at the moment.

beckysoll commented 6 years ago

That's a good point, thanks.​

dannyuk1982 commented 6 years ago

@jasonvarga does this mean you could add in the yaml file manually stuff like

  type: select
    - optionOne
    - optionTwo
    - optionThree


Ideally stuff like this would be editable in the CP so that clients could add options to things like contact forms, i.e. department or how did you hear about us

HYR commented 5 years ago


jackmcdade commented 5 years ago

Please use the thumbs up emoji instead of +1ing :)