statdivlab / corncob

Count Regression for Correlated Observations with the Beta-binomial
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rename master -> main #152

Closed adw96 closed 1 year ago

adw96 commented 1 year ago

Can we please change the name of the branch from master to main? I believe this is easy to do and better reflects the StatDivLab's goal to be an antiracist organization.

If we see any master branches on other SDL repos, let's also action renaming them.

svteichman commented 1 year ago

@adw96 I don't think that I can do this on the SDL corncob repo - I was able to on my fork but there's no option to pull request and I don't think I can do it on the SDL corncob repo with my current access. Here is a link with instructions on specifically renaming master to main.

svteichman commented 1 year ago

SDL repos that were created in 2021 and later have their default branch named main and repos created in 2020 or previously have their default branch named master (this includes q2-breakaway, CatchMore, q2-corncob, mbqc). The exceptions to this timing convention are DivNet and breakaway which have had their default branches updated from master to main at some point in the last few years.