statebox / fsm-oracle

Finite state machines as graphs
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
58 stars 7 forks source link

`elba install` fails to install anything #10

Closed stephen-smith closed 4 years ago

stephen-smith commented 4 years ago

Docs indicate that elba can be used to install, unfortunately, I'm not seeing that as the case in the latest else release:

bss@monster % elba install

error: no manifest file (elba.toml) exists in any parent directory
bss@monster Exit Code: 1 % ls  fsm-oracle.ipkg  input.json  LICENSE.txt  src
bss@monster % elba --version
elba 0.3.2
bss@monster % git branch
* cartographer
bss@monster % git rev-parse HEAD
bss@monster % git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
bss@monster % elba --version
elba 0.3.2
bss@monster % elba install

error: no manifest file (elba.toml) exists in any parent directory
bss@monster Exit Code: 1 %                                                                                                                                  ~/fsm-oracle
andrevidela commented 4 years ago

Can you try again? I added the missing elba.toml file in #11

stephen-smith commented 4 years ago

WFM Thanks!

bss@monster % git reset --hard origin/cartographer
HEAD is now at d0abbeb Add option to support both petrinets and finite state machines
bss@monster % git status
On branch cartographer
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/cartographer'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
bss@monster % elba install
       [1/3] Resolving dependencies...
  Retrieving typedefs/typedefs (git+
  Retrieving statebox/idris-ct (git+
       [2/3] Building targets...
    Building typedefs/typedefs 0.1.0 (git+ [65b617d6..]
    Building statebox/idris-ct 0.1.0 (git+ [2326bac3..]
   Compiling Main [fsm-oracle/fsm-oracle]       
     [error] Couldn't build binary 0 for fsm-oracle/fsm-oracle 0.1.0 (dir+/home/bss/git/fsm-oracle)
> "idris" "--check" "-i" "/home/bss/.cache/elba/build/2326bac3a7583776b026dcc0a4e1a859e40f3985d9fb2f6e50ba52209be925bd" "-i" "/home/bss/.cache/elba/build/65b61
7d6bf5b947041734cb3a3edf4f0948e6a81e240e1dca5dcf6d982cfa51b" "-p" "contrib" "-p" "idris-ct" "Main.idr"