statebox / idris-ct

formally verified category theory library
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Errors when building compare target #86

Open barracuda156 opened 5 months ago

barracuda156 commented 5 months ago
--->  Building idris-ct
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_svacchanda_SonomaPorts_math_idris-ct/idris-ct/work/idris-ct-fbc7f633e0d86bfe5b56a2c4b9db6f780d59106d" && /usr/bin/make -j4 -w compare CC="/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_svacchanda_SonomaPorts_math_idris-ct/idris-ct/work/compwrap/cc/usr/bin/clang" CXX="/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_svacchanda_SonomaPorts_math_idris-ct/idris-ct/work/compwrap/cxx/usr/bin/clang++" OBJC="/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_svacchanda_SonomaPorts_math_idris-ct/idris-ct/work/compwrap/objc/usr/bin/clang" OBJCXX="/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_svacchanda_SonomaPorts_math_idris-ct/idris-ct/work/compwrap/objcxx/usr/bin/clang++" INSTALL="/usr/bin/install -c" 
make: Entering directory `/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_svacchanda_SonomaPorts_math_idris-ct/idris-ct/work/idris-ct-fbc7f633e0d86bfe5b56a2c4b9db6f780d59106d'
idris2 fileDiff/FileDiff.idr -o compare
Error: While processing right hand side of pathFromVect. When unifying:
    List ?elem
    Vect ?len ?elem
Mismatch between: List ?elem and Vect ?len ?elem.

 4 | 
 5 | data FileSystem = DirTree String (List FileSystem) | FileTree String
 6 | 
 7 | pathFromVect : Vect n String -> String
 8 | pathFromVect xs = concat $ intersperse "/" $ reverse $ toList xs

Error: While processing right hand side of linearize. Sorry, I can't find any elaboration which works. All errors:
If Data.Vect.reverse: When unifying:
    List String
    Vect ?len ?elem
Mismatch between: List String and Vect ?len ?elem.

 07 | pathFromVect : Vect n String -> String
 08 | pathFromVect xs = concat $ intersperse "/" $ reverse $ toList xs
 09 | 
 10 | linearize : (depth : List String) -> FileSystem -> List String
 11 | linearize depth (DirTree n []) = [concat $ reverse $ intersperse "/" (n :: depth)]

If Prelude.List.reverse: When unifying:
    Vect (?len + pred ?len) ?elem
    List ?a
Mismatch between: Vect (?len + pred ?len) ?elem and List ?a.

 07 | pathFromVect : Vect n String -> String
 08 | pathFromVect xs = concat $ intersperse "/" $ reverse $ toList xs
 09 | 
 10 | linearize : (depth : List String) -> FileSystem -> List String
 11 | linearize depth (DirTree n []) = [concat $ reverse $ intersperse "/" (n :: depth)]

If Prelude.SnocList.reverse: When unifying:
    Vect (?len + pred ?len) ?elem
    SnocList ?a
Mismatch between: Vect (?len + pred ?len) ?elem and SnocList ?a.

 07 | pathFromVect : Vect n String -> String
 08 | pathFromVect xs = concat $ intersperse "/" $ reverse $ toList xs
 09 | 
 10 | linearize : (depth : List String) -> FileSystem -> List String
 11 | linearize depth (DirTree n []) = [concat $ reverse $ intersperse "/" (n :: depth)]

If Prelude.reverse: When unifying:
    Vect (?len + pred ?len) ?elem
Mismatch between: Vect (?len + pred ?len) ?elem and String.

 07 | pathFromVect : Vect n String -> String
 08 | pathFromVect xs = concat $ intersperse "/" $ reverse $ toList xs
 09 | 
 10 | linearize : (depth : List String) -> FileSystem -> List String
 11 | linearize depth (DirTree n []) = [concat $ reverse $ intersperse "/" (n :: depth)]

Error: While processing right hand side of show. When unifying:
    List String
    Vect ?len ?elem
Mismatch between: List String and Vect ?len ?elem.

 12 | linearize depth (DirTree n files) = concatMap (linearize (n :: depth)) files
 13 | linearize depth (FileTree n) = [concat $ reverse $ intersperse "/" (n :: depth)]
 14 | 
 15 | Show FileSystem where
 16 |   show fs = concat $ intersperse "\n" $ linearize [] fs

Error: While processing type of lsAcc. Undefined name Directory. 

 15 | Show FileSystem where
 16 |   show fs = concat $ intersperse "\n" $ linearize [] fs
 17 | 
 18 | ||| Ls with accumulator, uses `dirEntry` to get to the next entry
 19 | lsAcc : Directory -> Maybe (List String) -> IO (Either FileError (List String))

Error: While processing right hand side of lsAcc. While processing right hand side of lsAcc,notDot. Undefined name strHead. 

 26 |   where
 27 |     ||| Don't pay attention to files starting with a dot
 28 |     notDot : String -> Bool
 29 |     notDot "" = True
 30 |     notDot str = strHead str /= '.'

Error: While processing type of ls. Undefined name FileError. 

 29 |     notDot "" = True
 30 |     notDot str = strHead str /= '.'
 31 | 
 32 | ||| List all files in a directory
 33 | ls : String -> IO (Either FileError (List String))

Error: While processing right hand side of ls. Undefined name dirOpen. 

 30 |     notDot str = strHead str /= '.'
 31 | 
 32 | ||| List all files in a directory
 33 | ls : String -> IO (Either FileError (List String))
 34 | ls name = do Right d <- dirOpen name | Left err => pure (Left err)

Error: While processing type of lsRec. Undefined name FileError. 

 50 |                  (a -> m (n d)) -> l a -> m (n (l d))
 51 | doubleTraverse f x = traverse id <$> traverse f x
 52 | 
 53 | ||| Construct a tree of all files in a directory structure
 54 | lsRec : Vect (S n) String -> IO (Either FileError FileSystem)

Error: No type declaration for Main.lsRec.

 55 | lsRec path@(directory :: ds) = do
 56 |     Right files <- ls (pathFromVect path) | Left err => pure (Left err)
 57 |     (dirs, files) <- partitionM (isDir path) files
 58 |     Right subTree <- doubleTraverse (\d => lsRec (d :: path)) dirs
 59 |       | Left err => pure (Left err)
 60 |     pure $ Right (DirTree directory (subTree ++ map FileTree files))

Error: While processing right hand side of fixFormat. Undefined name takeWhile. 

 70 | ||| We don't care about the begining of the file path nor the file extension
 71 | ||| The begining is the root folder, which will always be different
 72 | ||| The filepath is `lidr` for idris1 and `idr` for Idris2 so it's not helpful
 73 | fixFormat : Nat -> String -> String
 74 | fixFormat n str = pack $ takeWhile (/= '.') $ drop n $ unpack str

Error: While processing right hand side of main. Undefined name getArgs. 

 76 | missing : Eq a => List a -> List a -> List a
 77 | missing xs ys = filter (not . flip elem ys) xs
 78 | 
 79 | main : IO ()
 80 | main = do [_, folder1, folder2] <- getArgs

Warning: compiling hole Main.main
make: *** [compare] Error 1