stateful / runme

DevOps Workflows Built with Markdown
Apache License 2.0
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Saved output replaces valid characters with asterisks #611

Closed jlewi closed 3 weeks ago

jlewi commented 3 weeks ago

I'm using RunMe in vscode. I turn on Auto-Save. In the markdown saving the output, the output of shell commands has "*".

Here's a gist I created from the output markdown

There shouldn't be any asterisks.

The actual kubectl output is

NAME                                 STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
gk3-dev-nap-j09tzqm6-9096877b-v5m4   Ready    <none>   22m   v1.28.9-gke.1000000
gk3-dev-pool-1-6feb3810-b9l6         Ready    <none>   25m   v1.28.9-gke.1000000
sourishkrout commented 3 weeks ago

@jlewi have you tried the "Unmask" button in the notebook toolbar yet? We're actually currently updating our docs to be more clear about this.

Should be a feature, not a bug.

sourishkrout commented 3 weeks ago

Also more details are available in this blog post too:

jlewi commented 3 weeks ago

That was it. Thank you!

sourishkrout commented 2 weeks ago

Just for reference. The docs are here: