stateful / runme

DevOps Workflows Built with Markdown
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vim keybindings can break input #620

Open znd4 opened 6 days ago

znd4 commented 6 days ago

idk if there's even a fix that could be implemented in this project for this, but some vim keybindings from vscode-neovim (e.g. G) make using stdin problematic.

I think one option would be to set SUDO_ASKPASS to a command that opens a prompt, but I think it'd be hard to secure that

sourishkrout commented 5 days ago

Hi @znd4! Thanks for filing this issue.

Could you please share an example or some steps to reproduce the issue? That'd be really helpful to speed up the investigation and possible fixes.

znd4 commented 4 days ago

no problem, thanks for the quick response!

I think (but am not sure) that it'd be sufficient to install vscode-neovim and runme on an otherwise bare / fresh vscode install, then create a markdown file with the following code cell followed by some other cell:

read $input

Run the cell and try entering "good morning" in the input and hit enter. the cell should complete.

Now run the cell again, but this time, try typing "Good morning" and hitting enter. The expected behavior is that the cell would complete and you'd see Good morning. instead, I jump to the last cell, the code cell doesn't complete, and all I see in the cell's input is G.

there are three "shift+g" keybindings from the vscode-neovim extension, but based on testing, it looks like the culprit is list.focusLast:

                "key": "shift+g",
                "command": "list.focusLast",
                "when": "listFocus && !inputFocus"

I'm guessing that a fix might involve making sure that inputFocus is true when the cursor is in an interactive runme cell output, although idk what exactly inputFocus is or where it comes from