statelyai / xstate

Actor-based state management & orchestration for complex app logic.
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Bug: Svelte's snapshot store out of sync #4941

Open phcoliveira opened 3 weeks ago

phcoliveira commented 3 weeks ago

XState version

XState version 5


I am finishing to upgrade XState to v5 in a project using SvelteKit 4. However, I am finding some problems that I didn't have when using XState v4.

Previously, I had many occurrences like this, and they used to work fine.

import {useMachine} from '@xstate/svelte';
import {goto} from '$app/navigation';

import {fooMachine} from './foo.ts';

const {state} = useMachine(fooMachine);

{#if $state.matches('active')}
  <slot />
  {#await goto('/somewhere/else')}

Now, with v5, the $snapshot store does not appear to work properly, or at least not fast enough because I get endless loops of redirection.

For fixing them, I had to do this.

import {useActor, useSelector} from '@xstate/svelte';
import {goto} from '$app/navigation';

import {fooMachine} from './foo.ts';

const {actorRef} = useActor(fooMachine);
const isActive = useSelector(actorRef, (snapshot) => {
  return snapshot.matches('active');

{#if $isActive}
  <slot />
  {#await goto('/somewhere/else')}

Expected result

The $sessionSnapshot store, returned by useActor(), should match the state active.

Actual result

The $sessionSnapshot store remains in its initial state: inactive. However, a new subscription using useSelector() is updated.


Additional context

The main files to checkout are:


But please do look around.

There are ways to circumvent this. For example, having the promise inside the logic of the machine and sending an event usually works too.

But I included in the first file a strange fix that uses useSelector instead of using the snapshot returned by useActor.

I can not really confirm that it used to work that way with XState 4 because, back then, I had these many actors (services, back then) inside one machine. When upgrading to XState 5, I dismembered them in order to make smaller machines and reduce the initial bundle size.