statgen / SLURM-examples

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Explain SGRIDBATCH? #3

Closed pjvandehaar closed 7 years ago

pjvandehaar commented 7 years ago


#SGRIDBATCH INDEX=$(seq 1001 2000)
#SGRIDBATCH MAF='0.05' '0.01' '0.005' '0.0025' '0.001' '0.0005' '0.00025' '0.0001'
#SGRIDBATCH CASECTRL='100 1900' '500 1500' '800 1200' '1000 1000'
#SBATCH  --mem-per-cpu=256
#SBATCH  --time=3-00:00
#SBATCH  --nice=10000

# C gets rid of the spaces in CASECTRL:
export C=$(echo $CASECTRL | sed 's/ /_/')
export STDOUT="pha.$INDEX.$MAF.$C.output"
export STDERR="pha.$INDEX.$MAF.$C.errors"

if [ -f $STDOUT ] ; then
        echo results for job $STDOUT already exists
        exit 0

Rscript /net/.../foo.R $MAF 10000 10 -2.1972245 1 1 0 $CASECTRL -2 -8 -1 $INDEX 1>$STDOUT 2>$STDERR

(see gridbatch -h)

pjvandehaar commented 7 years ago
