statgen / bamUtil
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The output of make Clonelib should be clearer #19

Closed pjvandehaar closed 8 years ago

pjvandehaar commented 8 years ago

When I run

git clone
make cloneLib

I see: ../libStatGen/Makefiles/Makefile.tool: No such file or directory
Unable to locate: ./../libStatGen/Makefiles/Makefile.tool
To change the location, set LIB_PATH_GENERAL or LIB_PATH_BAM_UTIL to the appropriate path to libStatGen. Or specify "make LIB_PATH_GENERAL=yourPath" or "make LIB_PATH_BAM_UTIL=yourPath"
Use make cloneLib if you have git and want to clone the current libStatGen at that location.
Cloning into '../libStatGen'...
remote: Counting objects: 4393, done.
remote: Total 4393 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 4393
Receiving objects: 100% (4393/4393), 4.64 MiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2165/2165), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Call make to compile libStatGen and this tool.

That looks a lot like an error, and it shouldn't.

mktrost commented 8 years ago

Fixed with c37893a316cb56ec78fcbff006ce25a54a6e37ec

pjvandehaar commented 8 years ago

Thanks Mary Kate!

JVidal-Dupiol commented 5 years ago

Dear all, I'm facing somewhat the same problem but I'm sorry I don't understand what was the solution in your reply mktrost. ubuntu@ubuntu:/usr/bin/bamUtil$ make clonedLib Unable to locate: ./../libStatGen/Makefiles/Makefile.tool To change the location, set LIB_PATH_GENERAL or LIB_PATH_BAM_UTIL to the appropriate path to libStatGen. Or specify "make LIB_PATH_GENERAL=yourPath" or "make LIB_PATH_BAM_UTIL=yourPath" Use make cloneLib if you have git and want to clone the current libStatGen at that location. make: *** No rule to make target 'clonedLib'. Stop.

Best Jeremie