statgen / locuszoom

A Javascript/d3 embeddable plugin for interactively visualizing statistical genetic data from customizable sources.
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Helper for appending or prepending to data layer arrays #242

Closed kennethbruskiewicz closed 3 years ago

kennethbruskiewicz commented 3 years ago

In the spirit of #241, I want to propose a helper function that can help beat the curse of layouts in limited cases.

Sometimes when I edit layouts, I am not doing more than appending or prepending to a part of the list in a data layer. The pattern that comes out is that I need to reference the data_layer, override the field, then reference the data_layer again just so I can get all of its existing fields.

This could probably be done in a helper function.


fields: [
      // adding back other items
              { unnamespaced: true }
      // creating new (unnamespaced) fields
color: [
    // declarative rule for what should happen in matching state
        field: "lz_highlight_match", // Special field name whose presence triggers custom rendering
        scale_function: "if",
        parameters: {
            field_value: true,
            then: "#FF00FF",
    // remember other color rules
        { unnamespaced: true }

The desideratum for the helper function appear to be:

This would be easy enough to write myself (I think), but I want to be aware if there are any caveats before I do.

(I am aware that the first case listed above is eliminated by the function in #241, but there are still many places where this kind of editing would hold.)

abought commented 3 years ago

A more general version of this PR would be to support layout mutations in general- not just arrays.

Below are some notes and thoughts on requirements for a generic helper, along with roadblocks or unresolved questions. I may not have immediate time available to work on this but it's something I'd really like to see long term.

This function would be useful for the T2D Portal, as well as other sites (like FIVEx) that make extensive use of layout mutations to enable routine interactive functionality. It could also be used internally by widgets that perform layout mutations on behalf of the user (display_options, filter_field, etc).

Requirements / test cases

  1. Provide a forwards-compatible syntax that allows users to address nested keys/values, without hard-coding assumptions about the structure of the parent layout (example: if someone is customizing a particular data layer in the associations panel, they should be able to ask for "associations data layer", not "layers[2]". The syntax should provide readable, semantic meaning).
  2. Allow the matching syntax to affect one or many matches: "change the y-axis on all association plots, not just one"
  3. Work on generic aspects of layouts, instead of "only plots" or "only data layers": eg, "change the point color options for stable_choice scale function within a data layer"
  4. If possible, allow the user to query parts of the layout without having to learn a poorly-documented auxiliary language (a la webpack-chain)
  5. Implementation should not rely on, eg, eval of arbitrary filter expressions- this will trigger CSP rules in many LZ sites. A full robust language is not needed but the syntax should be compact and expressive.

Thoughts on implementation

Proposed sample syntax LocusZoom.Layouts.mutate_attr(layout, selector_string, value_or_callable)

The selector string should be able to address one match, or many. (get me association layer for panel 1, or get me all association layers on a stacked plot)

The replacement value would automatically be applied to each match found. If a callable is specified, it would return the new replacement value. In Kenneth's example:

LocusZoom.Layouts.mutate_attr(layout, selector_for_association_fields, (fields_array) => (fields_array.concat(new_items)))

abought commented 3 years ago

A few selector examples that would need to be satisfied for test cases:

Tested in this parser: (it's too big to include in LZ- 200-400kb unminified is significant code bloat, and we don't need eval, just exact match)

> jp.query(layout, '$..color[?(@.scale_function === "if")]')
    scale_function: 'if',
    field: 'ld:isrefvar',
    parameters: { field_value: 1, then: '#9632b8' }
> jp.query(layout, 'panels[?( === "association")]..scale_function')
[ 'if', 'if', 'if', 'numerical_bin' ]
> jp.query(layout, 'panels[?( === "association")].axes.x.label')
[ 'Chromosome {{chr}} (Mb)' ]
abought commented 3 years ago

Was released in 0.13.3.