statgen / raremetal

A flexible tool for meta-analysis
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Exiting, exception thrown: std::bad_alloc #32

Open Navin-techi opened 3 years ago

Navin-techi commented 3 years ago

Hi All, Found std::bad_alloc error while running the raremetalworker with ped & vcf files. Help need in fixing this.


The command run :-

$ raremetalworker --ped in.ped --dat in_new.dat --vcf in_new1.vcf.gz --traitName pheno1 --inverseNormal --makeResiduals --prefix test2_nxy


The output screens


Please go to "" for the latest version.

Options: Input Files : --ped [in.ped], --dat [in_new.dat], --vcf [in_new1.vcf.gz], --dosage, --binary Output Files : --prefix [test2_nxy], --LDwindow [1000000], --zip, --thin, --labelHits VC Options : --vcX, --separateX Trait Options : --makeResiduals [ON], --inverseNormal [ON], --traitName [pheno1] Model Options : --recessive, --dominant Kinship Source : --kinPedigree, --kinGeno, --kinFile [], --kinxFile [], --kinSave Kinship Options : --kinMaf [0.05], --kinMiss [0.05] Chromosome X : --xLabel [X], --xStart [2699520], --xEnd [154931044], --maleLabel [1], --femaleLabel [2] others : --cpu [1], --kinOnly, --geneMap [../data/refFlat_hg19.txt], --mergedVCFID PhoneHome : --noPhoneHome, --phoneHomeThinning [100]

Analysis started at: Mon Jul 19 13:02:31 2021

Loading PED/DAT files ... Loading DAT files ...done. Loading PED files ...done.

Loading data used 1.2 seconds.

To account for relatedness in the sample, NOTHING WILL BE DONE

Sanity checking input files ... completed.

Friendly reminder: if your file has a lot of individuals not genotyped, the following process might take very long ... done. Analyzing trait "pheno1" ... Matching individuals in phenotype and genotypes ... Found xxxxx phenotyped AND genotyped individuals from xxxxx families. done.

Start fitting linear model ... Exiting, exception thrown: std::badalloc**

Navin-techi commented 3 years ago

hi Developer,

Hope i could get some help on the above mentioned qurey.

@welchr @abought @jonathonl @traxexx