statho / ScoreHMR

ScoreHMR: Score-Guided Diffusion for 3D Human Recovery (CVPR 2024)
MIT License
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OSX compatibility #17

Closed gurkirt closed 1 month ago

gurkirt commented 2 months ago

Is it possible to use proposed refinement with the predictions from OSX model. OSX seems quite generisable model. It would be cool to have a demo where refinement is applied on osx output. Or would it require further fine tuning on predictions of osx.

thank you for the great work! Cheers Gurkirt

statho commented 2 months ago

Thanks for appreciating our work! ScoreHMR does not use an expressive model for the face and hands.

If you want to run refinement on top of OSX, you would need to train ScoreHMR with SMPL-X fits. Training the diffusion model with SMPLer-X predictions as pseudo ground-truth could be a good start.

gurkirt commented 2 months ago

Thank you for quick reply, much appreciated! What if I convert SMPL-X outputs from OSX to SMPL usiunfg revese mapping defined here, then it should work without any training right?

statho commented 1 month ago

Yes, it should work.