statho / ScoreHMR

ScoreHMR: Score-Guided Diffusion for 3D Human Recovery (CVPR 2024)
MIT License
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fail to run #9

Closed zhaomingBDAI closed 1 week ago

zhaomingBDAI commented 3 months ago


I am trying to run the demo code with

python --input_video example_data/videos/breakdancing.mp4 --out_folder demo_out/videos

But I got the following error:

[2024-03-25 17:39:30,875][phalp.trackers.PHALP][INFO] - Setting up Visualizer... [2024-03-25 17:39:31,824][phalp.trackers.PHALP][INFO] - Setting up DeepSort... [2024-03-25 17:39:31,825][phalp.trackers.PHALP][INFO] - Saving tracks at : demo_out/videos/phalp_out/breakdancing/results/breakdancing list index out of range Traceback (most recent call last): File "miniconda3/envs/score_hmr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/phalp/trackers/", line 174, in track list_of_shots = self.get_list_of_shots(list_of_frames) File "miniconda3/envs/score_hmr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/phalp/trackers/", line 610, in get_list_of_shots if(isinstance(list_of_frames[0], str)): IndexError: list index out of range

Any help is appreciated! Thanks.

statho commented 3 months ago

There seems to be an issue when loading the extracted frames from the input video. Can you check the content of list_of_frames?

gokcergun commented 1 month ago

Hi, I have the same error, and yes the list_of_frames return empty. How can I fix it? By the way, I had also an import error related to neural_renderer. I fixed it by changing the line

phalp_tracker = HMR2_4dhuman(cfg)

phalp_tracker = PHALP_Prime_HMR2(cfg)

as explained here:

Mudhdhoo commented 1 month ago

Did anyone find a fix for this?

statho commented 1 month ago

Probably the frames from the video are not extracted or extracted in the wrong directory, that is why list_of_frames is empty. For the provided video, the extracted frames should be in demo_out/videos/images/breakdancing/. Can you verify that the images are indeed extracted in that directory?