statianzo / Fleck

C# Websocket Implementation
MIT License
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How to get the TclClient and Stream from iWebSocketConnection #310

Open nsmith1024 opened 3 years ago

nsmith1024 commented 3 years ago


Im upgrading my old C# server code from using regular TCP Sockets, to using your secure WebSocket (wss://)

My old code looks like this

TcpListener serverSocket; .... TcpClient client = serverSocket.AcceptTcpClient(); Stream stream = new SslStream(client.GetStream(), false);

My old code uses "client" and "stream" variables from above in literally a million places. So im wondering if your WebSocket class has some equivalent to theses so that i dont have to rewrite all my code? Im starting off using your example like this below

var server = new WebSocketServer("wss://"); server.Certificate = new X509Certificate2("MyCert.pfx"); server.Start(socket => { TclClient client=socket.client; <---- Do you have this?? Stream; <---- Do you have this??? // send and receive on the stream });

Do you have a way where i can obtain the TcpClient and Stream from your "socket" iWebSocketConnection variable above?


GinCanhViet commented 2 years ago
server.Start(socket =>
    var connectionInfo = socket.ConnectionInfo; <--- All info you can get
    socket.OnOpen = () => OnOpen(connectionInfo);
    socket.OnClose = () => Console.WriteLine("Close!");
    socket.OnMessage = message => socket.Send("You said: " + message);