static-dev / axis

terse, modular & powerful css library
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Potentially unhandled rejection #235

Closed elpollitodiablo closed 8 years ago

elpollitodiablo commented 9 years ago

We have a strange parse-error within tables.styl. We're using roots:

Potentially unhandled rejection [5] ParseError: /Users/daniel/GIT/responsive-template/node_modules/axis/axis/tables.styl:52
 48|     border-collapse: separate
 49|     *border-collapse: collapsed
 50|     border-radius: 4px
 52|     th + th, td + td, th + td, td + th
 53|       border-left: 1px solid #ddd
 55|     thead:first-child tr:first-child th

unexpected ","
dbox commented 9 years ago

I just ran a basic table test on a clean roots install and isn't throwing any errors. Can you provide a simplified example recreating the problem?

dbox commented 8 years ago

@elpollitodiablo Question: were you using axis with express?

elpollitodiablo commented 8 years ago

well, I'm no longer working on that project, but as far as I remember we weren't. But we were using Jeet and Roots and I'm not sure about them

dbox commented 8 years ago

i think this is related to an old version of stylus. I'm going to close this for now. Let me know if it ever resurfaces.