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Fix dplyr & rcolorbrewer warnings #51

Open tamuri opened 4 years ago

tamuri commented 4 years ago

Fixes #46.

The remainingarrange_() warning is from the plotly package. Their fix has been merged into plotly master but there hasn't been a new release on CRAN. I suggest waiting for the release and tolerating the warning for now.

statist7 commented 4 years ago

Both commits appear to work fine - thanks. And I've seen the arrange_() warning, which as you say should disappear when plotly updates on CRAN.

I'm still getting the warnings: Warning: Specifying width/height in layout() is now deprecated. Please specify in ggplotly() or plot_ly()

Is it linked to the arrange() issue?

tamuri commented 4 years ago

I'm still getting the warnings: Warning: Specifying width/height in layout() is now deprecated. Please specify in ggplotly() or plot_ly()

Yes, also from plotly but doesn't seem to be any fix for this yet. Mose added a note about this in the source code (multiple.R):

plotly::subplot(plots, nrows = plots_number, shareX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE) %>%
# This causes a warning to be issued, but this is really a bug in
# plotly that doesn't allow to set the size of a subplot in a sane
# way:
plotly::layout(autosize = TRUE, height = plots_number * 400)