statisticalbiotechnology / representative-spectra-benchmark

Analysis of different consensus spectrum construction methods
Apache License 2.0
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Bugfixes + mzML IO placeholder #53

Closed bittremieux closed 4 years ago

bittremieux commented 4 years ago

Placeholder for exporting to mzML. This functionality should be completed in the ms_io._write_spectra_mzml method.

Non-standard information that has to be associated with each spectrum (see for example the _write_spectra_mgf method):

Run the different scripts as follows:

  1. Assign cluster identifiers to the spectra.

python --spectra 01650b_BA5-TUM_first_pool_75_01_01-3xHCD-1h-R2.mzML --cluster MaRaCluster.clusters_p10.tsv maracluster --out clusters.mgf

  1. Extract cluster representatives using one of the different methods.

python --filename_in clusters.mgf --filename_out representative.mgf --representative_method best_spectrum --filename_psm 01650b_BA5-TUM_first_pool_75_01_01-3xHCD-1h-R2-features-index-percolator-fdr-filter.idXML --lower_is_better

  1. Evaluate the cluster representatives.

python --filename_spectra clusters.mgf --filename_representatives representative.mgf --filename_out out.csv --measure avg_dot --measure fraction_by --filename_psm non_existing_representative_ids.idXML