statnet / ergm

Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks
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Constraint combination: blockdiag("gid")+odegrees #547

Open benrosche opened 6 months ago

benrosche commented 6 months ago

~ Feature request ~

Dear statnet developers,

I would like to request the constraint combination ergm(..., constraints=~blockdiag("gid")+odegrees).

This constraint combination would not only be useful to me. I think it would allow us to better disentangle homophily and popularity mechanisms in grouped friendship networks. To differentiate homophily and popularity for a categorical attribute x, there are different possible model specifications:

Thank you very much for considering this extension. Best wishes, Ben

krivit commented 6 months ago

This should be fairly straightforward: we just need to hook the conditional degree proposals into the DyadGen API.

krivit commented 6 months ago

On further thought, the back-end data structure doesn't handle proposals that select multiple random edges very well.

benrosche commented 6 months ago

So I probably should not get my hopes up for this feature to be implemented anytime soon, right?