Closed dan-tang-ssd closed 1 year ago
Screen shots:
Dashboard filters
Initiatives status summary
Red lines summary GREEN colour if yours % is 100, otherwise YELLOW colour
Principles summary Sort by "Highest to Lowest" by default (most GREEN goes first) P.S. 1. Finally I sort by GREEN, then YELLOW, then RED by calling usort 3 times separately.
Principles summary Sort by "Lowest to Highest" (most RED goes first)
Principles summary Sort by "Default" (Principle ID)
TODO items:
project start
budget, show thousand separater for budget
dashboard filters section will be collapsible when not in use
when dashboard filters section is collapsed, show active filters
dashboard, refine general layout, look and feel
add "Generate PDF" button
Add error handling in database stored procedure for the following situations (after filtering):
It should be fine if there is one project with red lines fully reviewed and principles fully assessed.
Further enhancement may be required for project with red lines partially reviewed and / or principles partially assessed.
function fails entirely due to a "division by 0" issue in the generate_principles_summary
table is being populated by checking if the assessed rating is exactly matching the rating in the dasshboard_rating
table. This means the only values allowed are the values inside the ratings table. Given that the rating is a continuous variable, this approach seems unworkable?
The dashboard shows different kind of summaries of the whole institution or one of the portfolios. Including initiatives status summary, red lines summary and principles summary.
It provides a visualised way to compare yours initiatives (left hand side) and all initiatives (right hand side). We provide filters that allow user to find initiatives to meet specific criteria.
The dashboard has a generic design, so that anything (initiative(s), portfolio(s), a set of project Ids) can be compared to anything. This is for possible future enhancement, which allows users to have more flexiability for comparision. E.g.,
Considering possible performance issue, all summaries data are generated in database stored procedure.
Program flow: