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Feature flag value false after the refresh v1/rgstr api call #26

Closed mhshry closed 1 year ago

mhshry commented 1 year ago

getting feature gate value false after the refresh the page & call the rgstr api.

sdkType: "js-client" sdkVersion: "4.18.0"

gate: "test_feature_gate" gateValue: "false" reason: "Unrecognized" ruleID: "" time: 1659002674066 secondaryExposures: []

tore-statsig commented 1 year ago

"Unrecognized" indicates that the flag you are trying to check does not exist. Are you waiting for initialization to complete before checking flags?

Also, if you can provide a companyID or additional information, we can investigate more

mhshry commented 1 year ago

Thanks, Issue resolved