status-im / infra-shards

Infrastructure for Status fleets
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Duplicate key value errors for messages table #26

Closed jakubgs closed 3 months ago

jakubgs commented 6 months ago

These logs have started appearing in database logs on shards.test nodes:

[1006408] ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "messageindex"
[1006408] DETAIL:  Key (messagehash)=(0da6c0e74e9193f537f154d5a62331c3a561c4313486bd300c5020410a4583cb) already exists.
[1006408] STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO messages (id, messageHash, storedAt, contentTopic, payload, pubsubTopic,
#011  version, timestamp) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8);

And the numbers are worrying: % zgrep 'messageindex' /var/log/docker/nim-waku-store-db/docker.* | wc -l
985303 % zgrep 'duplicate key value' /var/log/docker/nim-waku-store-db/docker.* | wc -l        

Node version used: % /docker/nim-waku-store/ get_waku_v2_debug_v1_version | jq -c
jakubgs commented 6 months ago

The gbd60bf commit doesn't appear to exist in the repo:

jakubgs commented 6 months ago

This fleet currently does not use the layout where a database is shared:

jakubgs commented 6 months ago

If we looks at ElasticSearch logs for shards.test fleet we can see the issue started on 2023.12.11:

 > ./elasticsearch/ -i 'logstash-2023.12.*' -f shards.test -p 'docker/nim-waku-store-db' -m 'duplicate key value' 
Cluster: status-logs-search
logstash-2023.12.01    count:        0
logstash-2023.12.02    count:        0
logstash-2023.12.03    count:        0
logstash-2023.12.04    count:        0
logstash-2023.12.05    count:        0
logstash-2023.12.06    count:        0
logstash-2023.12.07    count:        0
logstash-2023.12.08    count:        0
logstash-2023.12.09    count:        0
logstash-2023.12.10    count:        0
logstash-2023.12.11    count:     1427
logstash-2023.12.12    count:     5191
logstash-2023.12.13    count:     8664
logstash-2023.12.14    count:     9390
logstash-2023.12.15    count:    10977
logstash-2023.12.16    count:     8047
logstash-2023.12.17    count:     3624
logstash-2023.12.18    count:    27613
logstash-2023.12.19    count:    33225
logstash-2023.12.20    count:    34919
logstash-2023.12.21    count:    82543
logstash-2023.12.22    count:    73998
logstash-2023.12.23    count:     6123
logstash-2023.12.24    count:     8733
logstash-2023.12.25    count:     8880
logstash-2023.12.26    count:    41259
logstash-2023.12.27    count:  1229433
logstash-2023.12.28    count:  1329964
logstash-2023.12.29    count:    69862
logstash-2023.12.30    count:     9576
logstash-2023.12.31    count:    12972

And reached a peak on 2023.12.28.

jakubgs commented 6 months ago

Oh, sorry, my mistake, the DB is actually used by two nodes per DC:

But that doesn't explain why the warnings started showing up on 2023.12.11.

jakubgs commented 6 months ago

We could avoid these by first checking if a given message is already in the table:

But in theory that could have a performance impact, but not sure, since the DB still has to check the uniqueness of the record anyway, even if you just insert.

jakubgs commented 6 months ago

For now I have decided to filter out these logs on Logstash level to avoid unnecessary ElasticSearch spam:

And opened an issue to possibly query before inserting:

jakubgs commented 6 months ago

Also took a look at waku node logs and found out most come from two files: pubsub.nim and pubsubpeer.nim


Unrelated but interesting.

jakubgs commented 3 months ago

There is one thing we could use, not sure what the performance impact would be:


The ON CONFLICT clause could prevent these warnings:

Opened an issue:

No idea if it would work.