status-im / infra-waku

Infrastructure for Waku fleet
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Configure RLN memberships for Waku nodes #19

Open Ivansete-status opened 1 month ago

Ivansete-status commented 1 month ago


Light clients cannot generate RLN proofs by themselves. Therefore, this task is delegated to full nwaku nodes. This issue is aimed at allowing light clients to also publish messages in The Waku Network, aka, TWN.


Based on what we do in TWN, each node should run the script ( see .) at first.

Each node needs:

More context

Ivansete-status commented 1 month ago

Jakub suggested a simpler approach rather than using an external script, and then running the wakunode2 node.

The idea would be to only have one single script, which will perform the RLN registration if the keystore.json file doesn't exist, and after that, the normal wakunode2 will start.

The following can help to get inspiration on how to run the node from a script:

With that, the script, should have something like:

if test -f ./data/keystore/keystore.json; then
  echo "keystore/keystore.json already exists. Skipping the RLN registration."

  ## Performs the RLN registration if the keystore.json credentials file does not exist
  exec /usr/bin/wakunode generateRlnKeystore \
      --rln-relay-eth-client-address=${RLN_RELAY_ETH_CLIENT_ADDRESS} \
      --rln-relay-eth-private-key=${ETH_TESTNET_KEY} \
      --rln-relay-eth-contract-address=0xCB33Aa5B38d79E3D9Fa8B10afF38AA201399a7e3 \
      --rln-relay-cred-path=/data/keystore/keystore.json \
      --rln-relay-cred-password="${RLN_RELAY_CRED_PASSWORD}" \
      --rln-relay-user-message-limit=100 \

## Start the node, as usual
exec /usr/bin/wakunode --config-file=/conf/config.toml
      --rln-relay-cred-password = 'random_password'

Notice that the env vars might not be needed in this case and then just leave the values written there directly from bitwarden.

apentori commented 4 weeks ago

Modification prepared, before applying:

yakimant commented 4 weeks ago

@apentori, @Ivansete-status, we could probably have generateRlnKeystore run in ansible, if it only needs to run once and not to complicate with run script. What do you think?

Ivansete-status commented 3 weeks ago

@apentori, @Ivansete-status, we could probably have generateRlnKeystore run in ansible, if it only needs to run once and not to complicate with run script. What do you think?

That sounds very sensible indeed. I'm not familiar with Ansible but feel free to pick up the simpler option for you

Ivansete-status commented 3 weeks ago

Modification prepared, before applying:

I think the only constraint is that it should be longer than 8 chars, e.g., MySuperKeyStorePassword1234!

  • Can you add / send me, the private key of the sepolia account to be used as : $ETH_TESTNET_KEY?

I will send you my ETH_TESTNET_KEY

  • Can you confirm the fleet to apply the changes is .waku.test at first ?

Yes, first of all let's make sure it is correctly deployed in waku.test.

apentori commented 3 weeks ago

@apentori, @Ivansete-status, we could probably have generateRlnKeystore run in ansible, if it only needs to run once and not to complicate with run script. What do you think?

if we set it up with Ansible, the container won't be abble to properly start if some dev remove the keystore. Not sure if it will happen or not.

@Ivansete-status shouldn't the script be included directly in the docker container ?

Ivansete-status commented 3 weeks ago

@Ivansete-status shouldn't the script be included directly in the docker container ?

Yes, let's do that as it will give more flexibility if in the future we need to recreate the keystore file

apentori commented 3 weeks ago

For some reason the Keystore generation fail if the rln-relay-eth-client-address is our Sepolia host:

ERR 2024-08-23 13:57:18.567+00:00 Unrecoverable error occurred               topics="rln_keystore_generator" tid=1 file=rln_keystore_generator.nim:54 error="Failed to register the member: {\"code\":-32000,\"message\":\"only replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions allowed over RPC\"}"

It works by changing the rln-relay-eth-client-address to infura.

apentori commented 2 weeks ago

@Ivansete-status Do you have news about the RPC call issue ?

Ivansete-status commented 1 week ago

@Ivansete-status Do you have news about the RPC call issue ?

Sorry for the delay @apentori. Is our eth client configured to support EIP-155?

Ivansete-status commented 3 days ago

We can try to add the following setting in Eth client's geth.yml file: --rpc.allow-unprotected-txs