status-im / nim-blscurve

Nim implementation of BLS signature scheme (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) over Barreto-Lynn-Scott (BLS) curve BLS12-381
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[WIP] Update compressed G1 G2 serialization #20

Closed mratsim closed 5 years ago

mratsim commented 5 years ago and

The compressed G1 and G2 serialization in the Py-ECC was wrong.

WIP - don't merge.

What was wrong:

Old test vectors available at and new at or directly by cloning this branch.

Also the compressed<->uncompressed conversion

def decompress_G1(z: G1Compressed) -> G1Uncompressed:
    Recovers x and y coordinates from the compressed point.
    # b_flag == 1 indicates the infinity point
    b_flag = (z % POW_2_383) // POW_2_382
    if b_flag == 1:
        return Z1
    x = z % POW_2_381

    # Try solving y coordinate from the equation Y^2 = X^3 + b
    # using quadratic residue
    y = pow((x**3 + b.n) % q, (q + 1) // 4, q)

    if pow(y, 2, q) != (x**3 + b.n) % q:
        raise ValueError(
            "The given point is not on G1: y**2 = x**3 + b"
    # Choose the y whose leftmost bit is equal to the a_flag
    a_flag = (z % POW_2_382) // POW_2_381
    if (y * 2) // q != a_flag:
        y = q - y
    return (FQ(x), FQ(y), FQ(1))

def G1_to_pubkey(pt: G1Uncompressed) -> BLSPubkey:
    z = compress_G1(pt)
    return BLSPubkey(z.to_bytes(48, "big"))

def pubkey_to_G1(pubkey: BLSPubkey) -> G1Uncompressed:
    z = big_endian_to_int(pubkey)
    return decompress_G1(z)

# G2

def compress_G2(pt: G2Uncompressed) -> G2Compressed:
    The compressed point (z1, z2) has the bit order:
    z1: (c_flag1, b_flag1, a_flag1, x1)
    z2: (c_flag2, b_flag2, a_flag2, x2)
    - c_flag1 is always set to 1
    - b_flag1 indicates infinity when set to 1
    - a_flag1 helps determine the y-coordinate when decompressing,
    - a_flag2, b_flag2, and c_flag2 are always set to 0
    if not is_on_curve(pt, b2):
        raise ValueError(
            "The given point is not on the twisted curve over FQ**2"
    if is_inf(pt):
        return G2Compressed((POW_2_383 + POW_2_382, 0))
    x, y = normalize(pt)
    x_re, x_im = x.coeffs
    y_re, y_im = y.coeffs
    # Record the leftmost bit of y_im to the a_flag1
    # If y_im happens to be zero, then use the bit of y_re
    a_flag1 = (y_im * 2) // q if y_im > 0 else (y_re * 2) // q

    # Imaginary part of x goes to z1, real part goes to z2
    # c_flag1 = 1, b_flag1 = 0
    z1 = x_im + a_flag1 * POW_2_381 + POW_2_383
    # a_flag2 = b_flag2 = c_flag2 = 0
    z2 = x_re
    return G2Compressed((z1, z2))

def decompress_G2(p: G2Compressed) -> G2Uncompressed:
    Recovers x and y coordinates from the compressed point (z1, z2).
    z1, z2 = p

    # b_flag == 1 indicates the infinity point
    b_flag1 = (z1 % POW_2_383) // POW_2_382
    if b_flag1 == 1:
        return Z2

    x1 = z1 % POW_2_381
    x2 = z2
    # x1 is the imaginary part, x2 is the real part
    x = FQ2([x2, x1])
    y = modular_squareroot_in_FQ2(x**3 + b2)
    if y is None:
        raise ValueError("Failed to find a modular squareroot")

    # Choose the y whose leftmost bit of the imaginary part is equal to the a_flag1
    # If y_im happens to be zero, then use the bit of y_re
    a_flag1 = (z1 % POW_2_382) // POW_2_381
    y_re, y_im = y.coeffs
    if (y_im > 0 and (y_im * 2) // q != a_flag1) or (y_im == 0 and (y_re * 2) // q != a_flag1):
        y = FQ2((y * -1).coeffs)

    if not is_on_curve((x, y, FQ2([1, 0])), b2):
        raise ValueError(
            "The given point is not on the twisted curve over FQ**2"
    return (x, y, FQ2([1, 0]))

def G2_to_signature(pt: G2Uncompressed) -> BLSSignature:
    z1, z2 = compress_G2(pt)
    return BLSSignature(
        z1.to_bytes(48, "big") +
        z2.to_bytes(48, "big")

def signature_to_G2(signature: BLSSignature) -> G2Uncompressed:
    p = G2Compressed(
        (big_endian_to_int(signature[:48]), big_endian_to_int(signature[48:]))
    return decompress_G2(p)
cheatfate commented 5 years ago

Fixed and ready to be merged.