status-im / nim-blscurve

Nim implementation of BLS signature scheme (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) over Barreto-Lynn-Scott (BLS) curve BLS12-381
Apache License 2.0
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Confirm curves to use for aggregate signature and public keys #7

Closed mratsim closed 5 years ago

mratsim commented 6 years ago


Blocking #4 - Implement AggregateSignature

From spec:

BLS signature Scheme

  • KeyGen(): choose a random α ← Zq and set h ← g ∈ G1. output pk:=(h) and sk:=(α). (pk public key, sk secret/private key)
  • Sign(sk,m): output σ←H0(m)^α ∈ G0. The signature is a single group element.
  • Verify(pk,m,σ): if e(g1,σ)=e(pk, H0(m)) output "accept", otherwise output "reject".

In Milagro libraries:

Referring to Zcash spec:

Fq elements are 48 bytes (ECP in milagro crypto?) Fq2 elements are 96 bytes (ECP2 in milagro crypto?)

Referring to Vitalik's Elliptic Curve Pairing:

G1 is on Fq G2 is on Fq12

Note that signatures in Milagro crypto are passed as a tuple (c, d) which seems to match with the real + imaginary complex used for ECP2

Some checks

An check that could be done would be making sure that G1

and G2

matches with G1

x = 3685416753713387016781088315183077757961620795782546409894578378688607592378376318836054947676345821548104185464507
y = 1339506544944476473020471379941921221584933875938349620426543736416511423956333506472724655353366534992391756441569

and G2

x = 3059144344244213709971259814753781636986470325476647558659373206291635324768958432433509563104347017837885763365758*u + 352701069587466618187139116011060144890029952792775240219908644239793785735715026873347600343865175952761926303160
y = 927553665492332455747201965776037880757740193453592970025027978793976877002675564980949289727957565575433344219582*u + 1985150602287291935568054521177171638300868978215655730859378665066344726373823718423869104263333984641494340347905

from Zcash

We can see from the hex version de Zcash that the couple few last Zcash hex digits match with the first hex digits of Milagro. 17F1D3A73197D7942695638C4FA9AC0FC3688C4F9774B905A14E3A3F171BAC586C55E83FF97A1AEFFB3AF00ADB22C6BB

However Milagro "Big" representation uses a word excess + base word (see Milagro whitepaper) instead of a standard representation so we can't compare with milagro raw hex.

Other lib using Milagro for aggregate signature

This library is using Milagro Rust as a backend for BLS aggregate signature.

which seems strange

mratsim commented 6 years ago

See #8 and the new Wiki article:

The verify implementation in Milagro I was checking doesn't use G2 but it's also probably not the deterministic signature verification we should use as there is a CSPRNG parameter in sign.

I.e. we need to implement deterministic signing and verification similar to:

impl Signature {
    // Signature = H_0(msg) * sk
    pub fn new(msg: &[u8], sig_key: &SigKey) -> Self {
        let hash_point = hash_on_GroupG1(msg);
        let sig = hash_point.mul(&sig_key.x);
        // This is different from the paper, the other exponentiation happens in aggregation.
        // This avoids the signer to know beforehand of all other participants
        Signature { point: sig }

    pub fn verify(&self, msg: &[u8], ver_key: &VerKey) -> bool {
        // TODO: Check if point exists on curve, maybe use `ECP::new_big` and x cord of verkey
        if self.point.is_infinity() {
            println!("Signature point at infinity");
            return false;
        let msg_hash_point = hash_on_GroupG1(msg);
        let mut lhs = ate_pairing(&GeneratorG2, &self.point);
        let mut rhs = ate_pairing(&ver_key.point, &msg_hash_point);
        /*let mut lhs_bytes: [u8; FP12_SIZE] = [0; FP12_SIZE];
        let mut rhs_bytes: [u8; FP12_SIZE] = [0; FP12_SIZE];
        lhs.tobytes(&mut lhs_bytes);
        rhs.tobytes(&mut rhs_bytes);
        lhs_bytes.to_vec() == rhs_bytes.to_vec()*/
        lhs.equals(&mut rhs)
mratsim commented 5 years ago

Closing, implementation done