status-im / nimbus-eth1

Nimbus: an Ethereum Execution Client for Resource-Restricted Devices
Apache License 2.0
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Answering: "What happens today when we run `nimbus --goerli`?" #862

Closed jlokier closed 1 month ago

jlokier commented 2 years ago

This simple question was getting speculative answers, but for one reason or another, nobody really tested it in a long time.

This meta issue is to write down what really happens when we run nimbus --goerli, no other changes, to discover all the significant issues. See also related issue #687 "Sync to Goerli". Issues that come up are to be filed separately and fixed one by one, outside this meta issue. Ideally we will file individual issues and fixes, and update this meta issue to point to them.

Time and space required

It has proven useful to know a guideline for how much time and storage to expect, so a Goerli sync can be replicated without going through the tedium of trial and error, disk full recovery efforts, etc.

Base version tested 521f29c0 (2021-08-24 18:30:52 +0700)
(Later commits are required to complete, see issues below)
Time to sync 2 days 17 hours
Storage space used 805 GB (up to block number 5631351)
Test CPU AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 3.5 GHz
Test storage 3x RAID-0 NVMe SSD, 512k stripe size
Test network 1 Gbit/s internet, no NAT

To finish in a similar time, you will need to run nimbus --goerli in a loop to auto-restart it when it crashes, and with enough storage space. The time shown above does not count stops during the test where Nimbus crashed and was later restarted after analysis, time to recover from disk full conditions, or time spent syncing which was reverted to a clean storage snapshot. (True calendar time for this test was 28 days 18 hours).

What happened

Short version:

  1. There were a number of crash types, for which the workaround is to restart nimbus in a loop.
  2. There were 4 points where sync stopped progressing. Two networking issues and two consensus logic issues.
  3. When it reaches the head block, state is fully synchronised but it does not keep up after that in real time.

Points where bulk sync stopped

The issues in this section need fixes to allow sync to reach the Goerli head block in October 2021. All are fixed now. Note: Berlin starts at block 4460644, London starts at block 5062605.

Crash types

The crashes in this section have a simple workaround: Restart Nimbus-eth1. For the disk full crash of course you must add more disk space to stop it happening.

Of course the workaround is not good enough for a release. It's useful to have this set of observations so we can address them one by one. Fixes will be noted here as they are implemented. However, for the purpose of working with Nimbus-eth1, it's good to know just restarting is a temporary solution to these issues.

  1. Symptom (seen 10 times during Goerli sync): AssertionError with no useful stacktrace.

    libbacktrace error: /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/build/nimbus (24)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    Error: unhandled exception: 24 [AssertionError]
    • The cause is running out of file descriptors because devp2p accepts too many incoming connections.
    • That is why libbacktrace can't open /proc/self/exe to read the executable. It's been proposed to change libbacktrace but that wouldn't address the real problem here, which is about sockets not libbacktrace.
    • Workaround 1: Increase the number of file descriptors available. On Linux, ulimit -S -n 65536. This will allow Nimbus-eth1 to run longer between these types of crashes.
    • Workaround 2: Restart Nimbus-eth1. This is a recoverable event.
    • We need to fix this, but managing the number of peer connections right needs some deeper thought, it's not as trivial as it seems. Ratios of different kinds of peer characteristics have to be maintained in the pool, dropping some to allow others to connect is important (otherwise the pool can fill with bad peers), and the accept() queue complicates accounting.
    • There might be some scenarios where RocksDB cannot perform updates and the program stops abruptly. Hopefully RocksDB is resiliant enough that it doesn't lose data or corrupt the database when this happens.
    • Related issue status-im/nim-eth#107 "Limit (incoming) connecting peers".
    • Related issue status-im/nim-eth#111 "Per IP-address peer limiting?".
    • Related issue status-im/nim-eth#365 "Improve p2p peer management".
  2. Symptom (seen 1 time during Goerli sync): Too many open files [ResultDefect] with no useful stacktrace.

    libbacktrace error: /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/build/nimbus (24)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    libbacktrace error: failed to read executable information (-1)
    [[reraised from:
    [[reraised from:
    [[reraised from:
    [[reraised from:
    Error: unhandled exception: working database: IO error: While open a file for random read: /home/jamie/.nimbus/goerli-oldsync/nimbus/data/068761.sst: Too many open files [ResultDefect]
    • Same cause as the previous item, running out of file descriptors because devp2p accepts too many incoming connections.
    • This error is RocksDB unable to read from the database.
    • Same workarounds as prevous item.
  3. Symptom (seen 10 times during Goerli sync): [Defect] ac.savePoint == sp and sp.state == Pending.

    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(269) nimbus
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(231) process
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncloop.nim(279) poll
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncmacro2.nim(74) colonanonymous
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/p2p/blockchain_sync.nim(289) obtainBlocksFromPeer
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/p2p/blockchain_sync.nim(167) returnWorkItem
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/p2p/blockchain_sync.nim(98) persistWorkItem
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/p2p/chain/chain_helpers.nim(26) persistBlocks
    [[reraised from:
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(269) nimbus
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(231) process
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncloop.nim(279) poll
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncmacro2.nim(96) colonanonymous
    Error: unhandled exception: /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/db/accounts_cache.nim(105, 12) `ac.savePoint == sp and sp.state == Pending`  [Defect]
    • This is caused by disk full condition. We apologise for the lack of a useful error message...
    • Workaround is obvious: Don't run out of disk space :smile:
    • Workaround: Ensure more disk space, then restart Nimbus-eth1. So far this has been a recoverable event.
    • Superficial bug is obvious: It should produce a useful error message about disk full.
    • The currents messages do indicate one or more deeper bugs in the Nimbus-eth1 internals. The hexary tree and other writing code very much assumes database writes cannot fail at every level in the stack, but when that happens it should at least abort gracefully. The transaction scope error means an invariant is broken, which suggests an exception is not being handled properly or is being lost.
    • After RocksDB cannot write due to disk full, hopefully RocksDB is resiliant enough that it doesn't lose data or corrupt the database when this happens.
    • This may be related to issue #582 "AssertionError when syncing goerli", but there are enough differences that it may not.
  4. Symptom (seen 4 times during Goerli sync): [RangeError] value out of range: -87 notin 0 .. 9223372036854775807.

    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(269) nimbus
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(231) process
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncloop.nim(279) poll
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncmacro2.nim(74) colonanonymous
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-eth/eth/p2p/rlpx.nim(1164) rlpxAccept
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-eth/eth/p2p/auth.nim(469) decodeAuthMessage
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-eth/eth/p2p/auth.nim(370) decodeAuthMessageEip8
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nimbus-build-system/vendor/Nim/lib/system/chcks.nim(32) raiseRangeErrorI
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nimbus-build-system/vendor/Nim/lib/system/fatal.nim(49) sysFatal
    [[reraised from:
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(269) nimbus
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(231) process
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncloop.nim(279) poll
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncmacro2.nim(74) colonanonymous
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncmacro2.nim(252) rlpxAccept
    [[reraised from:
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(269) nimbus
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(231) process
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncloop.nim(279) poll
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncmacro2.nim(96) colonanonymous
    Error: unhandled exception: value out of range: -87 notin 0 .. 9223372036854775807 [RangeError]
    • The values out of range were -87, -40 and -37 at different times.
    • The cause is an invalid incoming message from a peer, and Nimbus-eth1's devp2p code being insufficiently resilient to this.
    • Workaround: Restart Nimbus-eth1. This is a recoverable event.
    • Fix: Not done yet but it looks like an easy fix. As it relates to network security, surrounding code should be reviewed to ensure there aren't other, similar input validation issues.
    • Details in issue #766 "RLPx out of range crash triggered by message in auth handshake".
  5. Symptom (seen 10 times during Goerli sync): FutureDefect relating to rlpx.nim:

    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(269) nimbus
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(231) process
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncloop.nim(279) poll
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncfutures2.nim(283) fail
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nimbus-build-system/vendor/Nim/lib/system/gc.nim(197) checkFinished
    Error: unhandled exception: An attempt was made to complete a Future more than once. Details:
     Future ID: 162273
     Creation location:
       p2p_protocol_dsl.nim(153)    [unspecified]
     First completion location:
       rlpx.nim(77)    [unspecified]
     Second completion location:
       rlpx.nim(110)    [unspecified]
    • The cause is not known, but I'd guess it has to do with timeout occuring around the same time as data arriving.
    • A Received msg already expired was always found in the page of log output prior to this crash, which lends weight to the idea that this is the cause.
    • Workaround: Restart Nimbus-eth1. This is a recoverable event.
    • Fix: Not done yet but looks like a reasonably easy fix. Similar issues are already handled in other code using Future and timouts.
    • This may explain issue status-im/nim-eth#44 "rlpx.nim Future double completion".
    • This may explain issue #565 "Attempt to complete a Future more than once" after "Transport is already closed" and status-im/nim-eth#333 (same issue, different repo).
      • The line numbers in the log here from Chronos (p2p_protocol_dsl.nim and rlpx.nim) are equivalent to the line numbers in those issues, just a different time in repo history.
      • But there is no obviously related "Transport is already closed" in the latest logs.
    • Implications: The analogous issue may also be present in other networking code that uses timeouts, such as discovery, where it remains hidden only because it doesn't trigger in practice.
  6. Symptom (seen 2 times during earlier Goerli tests, not the latest): [IndexError] index 33 not in 0 .. 32.

    WRN 2021-07-26 10:01:00.425+01:00 Error while handling RLPx message          topics="rlpx" tid=1212253 file=rlpx.nim:620 peer=Node[] msg=33 err="RLPx message with an invalid id 33 on a connection supporting eth"
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(226) nimbus
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(188) process
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncloop.nim(279) poll
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncmacro2.nim(74) colonanonymous
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-eth/eth/p2p/rlpx.nim(627) dispatchMessages
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nimbus-build-system/vendor/Nim/lib/system/chcks.nim(23) raiseIndexError2
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nimbus-build-system/vendor/Nim/lib/system/fatal.nim(49) sysFatal
    [[reraised from:
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(226) nimbus
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(188) process
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncloop.nim(279) poll
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncmacro2.nim(96) colonanonymous
    Error: unhandled exception: index 33 not in 0 .. 32 [IndexError]
    • This stopped happening on current Goerli because it was due to a faulty peer sending invalid messages.
    • Even so, it's a bug in the devp2p networking code which should not crash when it receives a faulty message.
    • Workaround: Restart Nimbus-eth1. This is a recoverable event.
    • Fix: Not done yet but it looks like an easy fix. As it relates to network security, surrounding code should be reviewed to ensure there aren't other, similar input validation issues.
    • Details in issue #767 "RLPx out of bounds crash when downloading from Goerli".

After bulk sync is completed to current head block of Goerli

  1. Real-time chain updates are not followed. It does pick up new blocks, but only about once every 2-17 minutes.

    • New blocks are picked up when it connects to enough new peers that it resumes the bulk sync process towards a new head.
  2. Occasional symptom in the synchronised state: FutureDefect relating to persistBlocksImpl.

    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(269) nimbus
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(231) process
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncloop.nim(279) poll
    Error: unhandled exception: Asynchronous task [obtainBlocksFromPeer() at blockchain_sync.nim:206] finished with an exception "BlockNotFound"!
    Message: No block with hash 94926cdda9ecbf1ade5ddf23ab7ea204332c88e9dc8602a150733a715479e2ba
    Stack trace: /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(269) nimbus
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/nimbus.nim(231) process
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncloop.nim(279) poll
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/vendor/nim-chronos/chronos/asyncmacro2.nim(74) colonanonymous
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/p2p/blockchain_sync.nim(293) obtainBlocksFromPeer
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/p2p/blockchain_sync.nim(167) returnWorkItem
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/p2p/blockchain_sync.nim(98) persistWorkItem
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/p2p/chain/persist_blocks.nim(117) persistBlocks
    /home/jamie/Status/nimbus-eth1/nimbus/p2p/chain/persist_blocks.nim(53) persistBlocksImpl
    • The cause is sometimes Nimbus-eth1 blockchain_sync cannot handle chain reorg from the network.
    • After this happens, Nimbus-eth1 will not recover. If it is run again, the same error occurs after a few minutes.
    • Superficial bug is that BlockNotFound should be handled and a blockchain_sync work item should be aborted, instead of crashing.
    • Deeper bug is that BlockNotFound is occurring because the new blocks received refer to a parent block that doesn't exist locally.
    • Implications: The inability to handle reorgs is concerning, and it suggests deeper architectural issues.
    • Merely rewinding the local chain to sync to new blocks from an earlier point would be wrong because that does not perform the required logic to track the chain with highest total difficulty (or PoA equivalent). Essentially, blockchain_sync's block fetching strategy and data model is not designed for multiple simultaneously competing branches.
  3. The inability to handle reorgs after reaching the chain head suggests bulk sync also has a bug, one that would only rarely manifest. It suggets incorrect chain handling in the last few hundreds (thousands at a push) of blocks of bulk sync, if there are competing chains being received. Instead of switching to the winning chain, because of the data model and fetching strategy it will receive conflicting data (over time or from different peers) causing an unfetched gap in received blocks on the new winning chain.

zah commented 2 years ago

Can the re-org problem be worked-around by manually changing the head block reference in the database (e.g. by going back to an older good state)?

tersec commented 1 month ago