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Status Devs Meeting 11, Agenda #11

Closed oskarth closed 5 years ago

oskarth commented 5 years ago

Meeting Date/Time: Monday 2019-01-28 at 13:00 UTC Meeting Duration 1.5 hours YouTube Live Stream Link Livepeer Live Stream Link TBD

Notes/Agenda: TBD

Swarm Updates (15-30m) All swarm leads presenting give brief update.

Hot topics. (45-60m)

For each agenda item, please provide context (things non-initiated people need to know, links etc) and goal (desired outcome of discussion) for agenda items.

Please comment below with things you want to discuss, together with context and desired outcome.

Quick announcements (<15m)

oskarth commented 5 years ago

Candidate in case it isn't resolved beforehand:

oskarth commented 5 years ago

Some teams have expressed need for arbitration mechanisms. What are the needs, what will this look like, who will implement it? Discuss and decide. @hesterbruikman et al please add details

hesterbruikman commented 5 years ago

Some teams have expressed need for arbitration mechanisms. What are the needs, what will this look like, who will implement it? Discuss and decide. @hesterbruikman et al please add details

Topics for discussion

rachelhamlin commented 5 years ago

Fee structures for SNT utility

The current proposal is that Status either burn or recycle a percentage of SNT from every sticker sale, while the remainder goes to the artist.

oskarth commented 5 years ago

Thanks @rachelhamlin and @hesterbruikman, this looks great! We now have a solid agenda for Monday:


  1. Swarm Updates (15-30m) All swarm leads presenting give brief update.
  1. Automated tests and blocking PRs

    • Context on PRs breaking build
    • What is being done about it from QA, individual devs and GH tooling
    • Anything else that needs to be done here?
    • Briefly on a lot of tools changing at the same time and keeping stable tooling/change to a minimum
  2. Arbitrarion Some teams have expressed need for arbitration mechanisms. What are the needs, what will this look like, who will implement it? Discuss and decide.

  1. Fee structures for SNT utility

Discuss thread:

Everyone: please add relevant links to resources/discussions/proposals so people can prepare beforehand. E.g. arbitrarion research, etc.
I got 2^256 problems, but a fee ain't one
We’re back for some more basic cryptoeconomics! Recently, our fearless DApp/Browser/Whatever else needs to be done in between Team has proposed that we charge a fee on all stickers in our upcoming Sticker Market. In fact, the idea that we charge as much as 50% of the total sales has been suggested (in the doc above). Consider that the App Store only charges a 30% fee on transactions that happen in apps distributed through it. I think this is not good. Very not good, in fact. There must be more...
Status Core Devs 11 - CodiMD
pedropombeiro commented 5 years ago

Maybe it's interesting to do a quick overview of the ongoing struggle to achieve reproducible builds, and what's been done in the past couple of weeks to get us closer to that. E.g.:

richard-ramos commented 5 years ago

If there's enough time, I'd like to include in the agenda a topic: Whisper availability inside Status DApp browser, which is something that would benefit the Teller Network as well as Gas Relayer.

oskarth commented 5 years ago

Another one: ULC just got merged!

What does this mean for Status? Can we integrate it sometime soon?

Given that there are quite a few topics, 4+3 recent proposed, there's probably not enough time to talk through all of them. How would people prefer we prioritize them? We could setup a poll or just do this informally.

oskarth commented 5 years ago

@richard-ramos are there any instructions for setting up a vote in the voting dapp? I know Graeme did this in the past. If not, do you think you could help with this?

  1. Swarm updates
  2. Automated tests and blocking PRs
  3. Arbitration
  4. Fee structure
  5. Reproducible builds
  6. Whisper availability inside dapps
  7. ULC merged, now what
0xc1c4da commented 5 years ago

There is also another talking point to bring to attention, I have a request to 'relicense' the Status codebase to CC0 which needs to cooperation of all contributors (core and not). Essentially this is the only 'legal' way to waive copyright to enter the codebase into the public domain. We can then move the source of truth to a decentralized git repo (to be governed by the DAO), whereas the Status GmbH maintains a fork of that codebase on Github.

The reason for this is related to regulatory discussions.

richard-ramos commented 5 years ago

Voting dapp's current iteration allows anyone with SNT to create polls. I went ahead and created the following poll to determine the priorities for Monday's meeting:

If new topics appear during the weekend, we can cancel this poll and create another containing the new agenda items. - Survey
bgits commented 5 years ago

I would like to suggest: storage availability inside Status DApp browser.

In short it seems that localStorage is not persisted once a session is closed. As it is becoming clear that client side storage such as localStorage and IndexDB are being used more frequently to provide better UX in DApps it would be very helpful for DApp developers to know what are the limitations in the Status DApp browser.

arnetheduck commented 5 years ago

Suggesting we leave the SNT fee stuff for last so we can focus on tech first / possibly move it to a separate call..

oskarth commented 5 years ago

Thanks @richard-ramos! Since there's a lot of varied interests of things to talk about, let's use that poll to decide on ordering.

At the end of the call we can briefly talk about if there are better heuristics for which topics we should give priority.

oskarth commented 5 years ago

Agenda updated based on votes

Status Core Devs 11 - CodiMD
oskarth commented 5 years ago
