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Agenda Core Dev Call #40 #65

Open cammellos opened 3 years ago

cammellos commented 3 years ago

Monday November 9th 13:00 UTC Participate: View: Assign notetaker Agenda setting (~5') Announcements (~5') Expected changes/proposals

Review previous actions (~5') if available Specs review > open PR's for Discussion (~10') AOB (~5') YouTube: Google Hangouts: Notes:

decanus commented 3 years ago

@cammellos we were also planning on discussing wakuv2 and how it will be later integrated into status.

cc @oskarth @michaelsbradleyjr

oskarth commented 3 years ago

@decanus @michaelsbradleyjr can we be more precise with what:

(i) problems (ii) outcomes/decisions we expect? As well as (iii) Any relevant context people should beforehand

The current oneliner gives zero context, doesn't explain what problems have been encountered, and is fuzzy on what the goal of the discussion is. If that's all the preparation we have, I don't personally see the need to attend a 10pm call for such a poorly prepared agenda.

decanus commented 3 years ago

Hey @oskarth

  1. currently we have several things that need to be considered and determined which we can consider problems. Mainly I would say it is what the expectations are related to nim-waku from other teams, how they expect to interact with the APIs and what they expect to accomplish eg how they expect to integrate.

    @michaelsbradleyjr, one thing we can discuss is things related to the db, what should nim-waku provide, what will you guys do by yourself. How does integration look in nim-status with v1 and v2?

  2. the decisions that will need to be made IMO is what it means that Waku is production ready for other teams, currently that was a hypothesis we largely formulated ourselves. This will help formalize what is most important to work on next and how we see ourselves working together in the next stages.

  3. For some prior context I think this issue will be useful: