status-im / specs

Specifications for Status clients.
MIT License
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Initial Protocol Overview #11

Closed oskarth closed 5 years ago

oskarth commented 5 years ago

This should give an overview of the protocol stack. Design goals, roughly mention each layer, what this gives in terms of guarantees, as well as specific considerations when it comes to using the layers together.

Things like how we do transport should to the greatest extent possible be an implementation detail, and instead be explained in a different document.

See for current draft.

Acceptance criteria

In terms of who will judge, it'll be 2-3 main groups initially:

adambabik commented 5 years ago

I am not sure about these acceptance criteria because this is only an overview. For example:

Someone can read this and implement a Status client (including links to other specs)

This is not true for the overview. Reading the overview might tell someone whether this protocol meets their requirements or fits into their stack.

I would change them to:

oskarth commented 5 years ago

Fair, changed to your points. Thanks for suggesting specific alternatives :)