status-im / specs

Specifications for Status clients.
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Removal of Personal Pronouns From Specs #115

Closed Samyoul closed 4 years ago

Samyoul commented 4 years ago


The specifications have a mix of formal and informal language. Use of personal pronouns is generally common in informal text, and generally avoided in formal text.

It has been identified that:


The other node types are optional, but we RECOMMEND you implement a Mailserver

The other node types are optional, but it is RECOMMEND to implement a Mailserver



These changes could also have a major impact on the structure of the specification documents. For example: has the following subsections

These sections are more approachable and easier to read as they are written in an inviting and engaging tone. I feel that we should make a distinction between what is supplementary information that can be written in an informal manner and what is instructive or descriptive information that is better suited to formal language.


decanus commented 4 years ago

I think @oskarth and I originally wanted to use no personal pronouns and this might have slipped through the cracks a bit. Happy to have this be done though.

oskarth commented 4 years ago

Agree, feel free to issue PRs that make the language more consistent and appropriate