status-im / specs

Specifications for Status clients.
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Introduction of ChatIdentity #150

Open Samyoul opened 3 years ago

Samyoul commented 3 years ago

What has changed?

I've introduced the payload type of ChatMessageIdentity. This payload type will be used to optionally broadcast user determined identity data about the user.

The immediate use case of the ChatMessageIdentity is user determined profile images and display names.

Additionally the change marks ChatMessage.ens_name field as deprecated, ens_name will become part of the ChatMessageIdentity.

Why make the change?

User's want to be able to have user determined identity. User's want the option to overwrite the default "3 word name" and identicon with a representation that they have control over.


The use of ChatMessageIdentity is 100% optional and users may choose not use any part of the ChatMessageIdentity and therefore default to the "3 word name" and identicon.

Also see:

Samyoul commented 3 years ago

Note, this PR assumes the merging of #149

oskarth commented 3 years ago

What's the state of this PR?