status-im / specs

Specifications for Status clients.
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[WIP] add Status Secure And Decentralized Messaging Protocol draft #3

Closed adambabik closed 5 years ago

adambabik commented 5 years ago

Current status: draft

This is a specification of the currently implemented messaging protocol in Status Mobile and Status Desktop.

oskarth commented 5 years ago

@adambabik Please ping / request review whenever you want a review on this

oskarth commented 5 years ago

Asking @decanus to review to get a set of fresh eyes

Litmus test: (a) Can implement a Status client with these docs (b) Understanding of what this means in terms of security properties/guarantees etc (or at least understanding of gaps, e.g. anonymity not quantified etc)

cammellos commented 5 years ago

@adambabik I have updated pfs docs, pr is still pending but you can already link the page

oskarth commented 5 years ago

Can we fold in the PFS doc here? Fine to duplicate it in docs repo, but this document should be self-contained

oskarth commented 5 years ago

@adambabik can we ensure this document follows standard? I.e. use MUST etc capitalized to indicate contract spec follows more precisely.

adambabik commented 5 years ago

@oskarth totally, the last two days I worked on confirming JSON-RPC service is easy to implement and did not put new thing in this specification but I want to finish the gaps related to how to send/receive messages and then we can revise it and follow the standard.

oskarth commented 5 years ago

@adambabik Agree this PR is getting to be quite huge. Perhaps it would make sense to merge a draft wit comments inline and then reopen a new one?

adambabik commented 5 years ago

@oskarth yeah, let's do it. As many people has started commenting today, let's make today until 3pm CET the final "comment day". What's not resolved, I will put as TODOs and merge this PR later today. Next, we will open very small PRs addressing each TODO.