status-im / specs

Specifications for Status clients.
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Fix Whisper usage spec wrt mailserver #55

Closed oskarth closed 4 years ago

oskarth commented 4 years ago

As a client implementer, I want specs to describe how to use mailservers, not how the Status app works.

Right now

Currently this spec: explains the boring / non protocoly part: status-react to status go.


Instead, it should explain the interface between status-go and mailservers. Specifically:

"The above topics is then converted into a bloom filter and then and sent to the Mailserver." should be expanded on, and the "Object - The message request object: [...]" part from status-react should probably be removed.

^ @adambabik @corpetty

adambabik commented 4 years ago


and the "Object - The message request object: [...]" part from status-react should probably be removed.

This is not related to status-react but it's a definition of a JSON-RPC API to send a request for historic messages. I think this is crucial to be specified so that clients can use any Whisper implementation they want.

oskarth commented 4 years ago

Ok, that's fine. As long as it is clear how you actually implement mailserver/client support for a different implementation. Right now this isn't too clear IMO.

cc @kdeme @decanus