status-im / status-desktop

Status Desktop client made in Nim & QML
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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[EPIC] Deltas between designs and build for join token gated community flow #13988

Closed benjthayer closed 5 months ago

benjthayer commented 6 months ago

Below is a list of differences between the intended user flow for joining a token gated community and what is currently in the app (2.27.0-rc.6)

Screen recording of app:


1) Join CTA labelling

App: Reveal your address and request to join (with authentication icon)

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 9 32 02 AM

Design: Request to join community (no authentication icon - there is no authentication at this point)

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 9 33 39 AM

Additional note: The n members should be pluralised if >1 but not if only 1. I.e. we should never see member(s) here only member or members depending on the number of members.

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 9 34 55 AM

2) Request to join dialog

App: Dialog title reads Welcome to [community name]

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 9 36 35 AM

Design: Dialog title reads Request to join [community name]

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 9 38 01 AM

App: Dialog primary CTA reads Join [community name] (without authentication icon) Design: Dialog primary CTA reads Share all addresses to join (with authentication icon)

App: Missing eligible to join tag Design: Contains an eligible to join tag sticky to the base of the dialog with the relevant highest possible role the user can join the community as based on their aggregated token balances across all of their Status accounts

Additional note: Community icon looks a little blurry

3) Select addresses dialog


Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 9 52 42 AM


Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 9 42 56 AM

4) Prove ownership of key pairs dialog

App: The user should not see this dialog if all key pairs for the selected accounts are stored in the same location. For example in this flow, all of the accounts I wish to share with the community are stored on device and therefore the primary CTA on the Selected addresses to share with [community name] dialog should feature an authentication icon - clicking that should launch the authentication dialog not the Prove ownership of key pairs dialog. The Prove ownership of key pairs dialog should only launch if the key pairs associated with the accounts the user wishes to share with the community are stored in different locations and therefore require individual authentication.

Also when the user clicks the Authenticate button on the Authenticate dialog, there is a long pause 0:49-0:55 in the video. If the authentication process takes time, we should add a spinner state to the Authenticate button so the user knows something is happening and not to move away.

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 10 03 44 AM


Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 10 04 11 AM

5) After authentication

App: Once the user has authenticated the relevant keypair/s, the user is returned to this screen state where the Reveal your address and request to join button is still shown:

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 10 07 25 AM

Design: Once the user has authenticated, the button should change to Membership Request Pending.... Clicking on this CTA should relaunch the Request to join dialog - the only CTA on the Request to join dialog should be Cancel Membership Request

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 10 10 13 AM Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 10 09 59 AM

cc @John-44 @iurimatias @jrainville

Subtasks UI-TEAM:




jrainville commented 6 months ago

@alaibe @alexandraB99 it might be worth splitting this task in 2. Sale can keep working on and the UI team can do the other UI element fixes listed above

caybro commented 6 months ago

Agreed with Sale he'd do points 3. and 4., the rest is on me

noeliaSD commented 6 months ago

We are going to consider this task as an EPIC and I'm going to create smaller tasks to be able to work in parallel (added in task description).

UI team investigation task but could be potentially moved to another team (wallet or messenger depending on what we conclude):

NOTE: After this PR is integrated, UI team must give a second look at points 3 and 4 to verify the complete list of UI design deltas are solved

saledjenic commented 6 months ago

A short update, at least points 3 and 4 are fully handled in

noeliaSD commented 5 months ago

Closing the epic since all the important tasks have been closed and the missing ones are postponed to other milestones bc they have lower priority.