Presently, users encounter unread counters, badges, or notifications from open, non-token gated communities even prior to joining said communities.
User Story
As a user engaging with communities, I desire an automatic system for managing notifications according to my community membership. This way, I won't receive unread counters, badges, or notifications from open, non-token gated communities until I become a member (join such community).
Given I am not a member of an open non token-gated community,
When the community is in Pending or Open status,
Then :
I should not receive any notifications related to that community, including push notifications and notifications in the Activity Center.
I should not see any unread badges or counters for messages within that community.
I still should be able to see all the message history in community channels in view-only (spectacular) mode.
Given I become a member of an open non token-gated community,
When the community status changes to Joined,
I should automatically start receiving all notifications related to that community, including push notifications and notifications in the Activity Center
I should automatically see unread badges or counters for new messages within that community.
Implemented only partially; so all unread counters, badges, or notifications are fetched for non token-gated community once you open it, which is still not expected behaviour
Feature Issue
Presently, users encounter unread counters, badges, or notifications from open, non-token gated communities even prior to joining said communities.
User Story
As a user engaging with communities, I desire an automatic system for managing notifications according to my community membership. This way, I won't receive unread counters, badges, or notifications from open, non-token gated communities until I become a member (join such community).
You can find a related discussion here
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am not a member of an open non token-gated community, When the community is in Pending or Open status, Then :
Given I become a member of an open non token-gated community, When the community status changes to Joined, Then: