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Refactor imperative multiple dispatch usage of navigate-to #2000

Closed goranjovic closed 6 years ago

goranjovic commented 6 years ago


Type: Refactor

When we want app to navigate to a different screen we dispatch a re-frame event navigate-to with the screen identifier as the parameter, e.g.

(re-frame/dispatch [:navigate-to :discover-search-results])

So far, so good. Now, if the said screen depends on some parameter that we need to pass from the current context to its rendering function, we can't do that explicitly. Instead, we have to first change the state of app-db explicitly, then dispatch the same code as above, e.g.

(do (re-frame/dispatch [:set :discover-search-tags [tag]])
    (re-frame/dispatch [:navigate-to :discover-search-results]))

And then screen renderer needs to use the value set by the previous dispatch.

This is inconvenient due to a few reasons:

jeluard commented 6 years ago

It makes sense to consider #1592 when implementing this.

janherich commented 6 years ago

I propose intermediate solution, not bringing another library in, or depending on (even if that is what we probably should do in the long run), but something which could be done in minimal effort and still solve the imperative approach which we are unfortunately currently fielding all over the app.

The case with 2-event dispatch described by @goranjovic can be currently "solved" by overloading status-im.ui.screens.navigation/preload-data! multimethod for particular view id, so in the case above :discover-search-tags. The [:set :discover-search-tags [tag]] event can be replaced by doing the equivalent db operation in the multimethod, and as the multimethod is called in the :navigate-to event handler as an normal function (or rather, interceptor in the interceptor chain, but it's still synchronous call), it would actually satisfy the 3 points mentioned. But, I think it's still not the correct approach because of the following reasons:

So what I think we should do instead is to simply encapsulate navigation logic in couple of public (pure) functions in the status-im.ui.screens.navigation namespace, after all, it's just about changing the navigation-stack/modal/tabs data correctly in app-db. We will also leave default event-handlers there, so if as result of some action, user needs to be just navigated to particular view without any other data change or effect, event [:navigate-to some-view] could be fired just as before. But, when additional action is needed, like in the example of navigating to :discover-search-tags, we will just define new event for that:

  (fb [db [_ tag]]
     (-> db 
         (navigation/navigate-to :discover-search-tags)
         (assoc :discover-search-tags [tag]))))

Of course, instead of register-handler-db, we could use register-handler-fx if other coeffects/effects other then changing the db are needed.

goranjovic commented 6 years ago

In any case, let's hold on this one. We can probably live with it for several more weeks at least.